The T (Transpose) Command

Command Summary

This command calculates the transpose of a matrix.

Command Syntax


Menu Location


  1. MATRX (on the 83) or 2nd MATRX (83+ or higher) to access the Matrix menu.
  2. LEFT to access the MATH submenu
  3. 2 to select T, or use arrows

Calculator Compatibility


Token Size

1 byte

The T command is used to calculate the transpose of a matrix: it flips a matrix along its main diagonal. This means that the (i,j)th element becomes the (j,i)th element, and vice versa. As a result, the transpose of an M by N matrix is an N by M matrix.

………… [[1 2 3]
…………. [4 5 6]]
………… [[1 4]
…………. [2 5]
…………. [3 6]]

Advanced Uses

In addition to its many uses in linear algebra, the T operation is useful to programmers: with operations such as Matr►list( and augment(, which normally deal with columns, T allows you to use rows instead. See the "Related Commands" section for the commands that this is useful for.

Related Commands


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