Completely stops the current program and any parent programs.
While editing a program, press
- PRGM to enter the program menu
- ALPHA F to choose Stop, or use arrows
1 byte
When the Stop command is used in a program it exits the program (terminating the program execution) and returns you to the home screen. If it is encountered within loops, the loops will be stopped.
There is some distinction when using Stop with subprograms: the Stop command will stop the program execution of the subprogram, as well as the calling program, and return you to the home screen; the program will stop completely. If this functionality is not desired, then you should use the Return command instead.
You don't have to put a Stop command at the end of a program or subprogram if you can organize the program so that it just naturally quits. When the calculator reaches the end of a program, it will automatically stop executing as if it had encountered a Stop command (the Stop is implied).
:Input "Guess:",A
Remove the Stop
:Input "Guess:",A
Error Conditions
- ERR:INVALID occurs if this statement is used outside a program.
Related Commands
See Also