What Next

Here are a few tips on what to do next:

1- Get an idea for a game or an application. Try this website if you do not feel inspired: http://www.ticalc.org/programming/ideas/;
2- Try making it by following some of the articles writen in this website;
3- Optimize the code and add some cool menus and stuff;
4- Send it into your computer (you will require a usb link cable [usually comes with the calculator…] and this software: TI Connect);
5- Try protecting the code of your game/app, use this software: TI Graph link 83 - plus, open your file, check the protected box and save it;
6- Now create a zip file with your game/app files, a read me (with some instructions) and a screenshot (use the TI connect to accomplish it, it has a app included [the icon of a camera - when you open the program - in the main menu]);
7- Send it to the web to get some feedback, this website is good: http://www.ticalc.org/cgi-bin/file_upload.pl?a=1, or try including a link to a page in this website, where you include your game/app download;

Well, now off you go to the TI-BASIC Programming world, happy programming!

P.S. If you get really addicted to calculator programming, try learning "Assembly" to the calculator (the programming language of your application), just google it…

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