The Shade( Command

Command Summary

Graphs two functions and shades the area between them.

Command Syntax

Shade(lower func, upper func, [xmin, xmax, pattern #, resolution])

Menu Location


  1. 2nd DRAW to access the draw menu.
  2. 7 to select Shade(, or use arrows.

Calculator Compatibility


Token Size

1 byte

The Shade( command draws two functions and shades the area between them.

Shade(lower func, upper func, [xmin, xmax, pattern #, resolution])

  • lowerfunc and upperfunc are the two functions (whenever lowerfunc<upperfunc, the area between them will be shaded)
  • xmin and xmax (optional) are left and right boundaries on where to shade.
  • pattern # (optional) is an integer 1-4 determining which pattern to use:
    • 1 — vertical shading (default)
    • 2 — horizontal shading
    • 3 — diagonal shading (negative slope)
    • 4 — diagonal shading (positive slope)
  • resolution (optional) is an integer 1-8 determining the spacing between shading lines. When it's 1 (default), everything is shaded, when it's 2, one pixel is skipped between lines, and so on - when it's 8, seven pixels are skipped.

Note that if you don't supply the resolution argument, it defaults to 1 and everything gets shaded regardless of the pattern.

Advanced Uses

Shade(Ymin,Ymax) is the smallest (though not the fastest) way to shade the entire screen.

Related Commands

See Also


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