Projects » Endland
Not Finished
A futuristic Role Playing Game with several abilities and a unique style of battle.
Yes, another RPG to add to the projects page.
Utilizes the Horiz function, which splits the screen between text and graphics.
Supports a dynamic inventory system similar to professional rpgs, with item stacking.
Runs decently on 83+ and almost too fast on 84/+/SE. Seriously, the battle animations are pretty hard to make out.
A unique battle engine: you have to build up charge in battle to use stronger techniques and abilities
A graphical overworld and battle engine; this is not a text-based game.
Supports NPC's, random encounters, selling items, and most typical RPG stuff.
3-4 areas and bosses
A storyline that makes sense
Finished by the end of summer—although that might be a bit overambitious
(note that I'm having a bit of a problem with the run indicator.)
Who Updated? | Date | Update |
Barring any major glitches or ram clears, I should have a demo up within a week or two. All you'll be able to do is walk around, fight a few groups of enemies, and level grind, but all the engines should be working. After the demo, I'll have to add equipment, more enemies, more items, more areas, and the storyline.
Bear in mind, though, that there are over 20 subprograms and that it takes up a sizable portion of the calculator's memory.