Projects » Darklands
Not Finished
Hi this is my first time doing a project, I'm trying to program a game called "darklands" but there's still a lot I don't know about programming and I could use allot of help, any one who contributes in helping will get a spot in the credits. Just for some info on the main idea is that it's a futuristic rpg on you waking up out of a capsule, just to learn you were chosen by prophets 200 years ago to battle the dark forces of _ * I still haven't got a name for him*, so that's all I have to say for now, I'm only available to post on; Thursday, Friday evening, and saturday. If you have questions feel free to ask.
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it is going to be a mostly textual rpg
~william 756
i'm not as good with programming as i usually like to think myself as so i need help with only these things
.how to make a map of the overworld (a simple one at best if anything)
.how the battles are going to work(turn-based or real time)
and that's about it, thank you!
~william 756
Well, to be honest… don't bite off more than you can chew. For example, trying to create an entire RPG when you say you are still a beginner… that would be a challenge for even the best, as you need a plotline, graphics, and replayability.
I just think you might want to start with something a little smaller. For example, I started out reprogramming some games I found on this site to make them more fun, then moved on to a simple game that I created, and now I'm working on (can't say the name because it is a secret :P) which is already pretty complex, but still… I wouldn't consider making an RPG for the calculator in TI-Basic at this point in time.
If you still want to work on this, I'd recommend writing a plotline, figuring out certain details of the game, and after that start programming it. Having to reprogram an entire section because you didn't plan it out well is very annoying and demotivating.
Also, for world gen do you want it to be top-down, side view, or ??? And for battles, it is really up to you to decide on how your game should be played. Turn-based would be easier to program, but real-time could be cool when playing.
🧟Initiating Project Horde 🧟
Thank you for the info, I am technically a begginer but I do have a little experience with programming.
Ok I will take the information. You have given me into consideration, I've Thought this over and it was a bad idea.i will continue making this but I think I will take this down
I am sorry for the trouble
~william 756
You can always view the Starter Kit to help improve your skills with TI-Basic programming.
A tip: I strongly advise you to not ask random people for help if they are from "TI-Basic Developer". Some people could say they "are", but really aren't. Only ask people you really know if you need input. It's safer to anyways to ask people on here instead of texting, whereas people you don't know (i.e. online predators) can stalk you. Never ever ask anyone you don't know to text you. :)
Anyways, welcome to TI|BD
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
My bad
~william 756
that's fine for you its just the only way i can communicate with the outside world on weekdays
~william 756
Can one of the admins delete these posts with the phone number?
william756, we have a Discord server, which you can access here, and here, if you want something to access when you're not on a computer.
Can you dm me permalinks to the posts? I’m not able to find any
I looked at all post revisions in
william756's posts, but I think the number was deleted, or never added
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
i edited my number out of the original post
~william 756
Thank you, because that was kinda creepy for a new member to come in and just post their phone number.
i understand now so that thankfully WON'T happen again
~william 756