Miscellaneous Two-Byte Tokens

Two-byte tokens beginning with the byte 0xBB are miscellaneous tokens, used for various commands that didn't fit in the one-byte range. With later OS versions, various symbols were also added to the 0xBB tokens.

The two tables on this page are split by calculator type, which means that (among other things) the tokens in the second table can't be sent to a TI-83 calculator from a TI-83+ calculator. Further version differences: tokens CF through DA are available with OS 1.15 or higher. Tokens DB through F5 are available with OS 1.16 or higher.

Miscellaneous 2-Byte Tokens (0x00 - 0x67)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 npv( normalcdf( tvm_Pmt ►Polar χ²-Test( ExprOn unused
1 irr( invNorm( tvm_I% e ZInterval ExprOff unused
2 bal( tcdf( tvm_PV SinReg 2-SampZInt( ClrAllLists unused
3 Σprn( χ²cdf( tvm_N Logistic 1-PropZInt( GetCalc( unused
4 ΣInt( Fcdf( tvm_FV LinRegTTest 2-PropZInt( DelVar G-T
5 ►Nom( binompdf( conj( ShadeNorm( GraphStyle( Equ►String( ZoomFit
6 ►Eff( binomcdf( real( Shade_t( 2-SampTTest String►Equ( DiagnosticOn
7 dbd( poissonpdf( imag( Shadeχ² 2-SampFTest Clear Entries DiagnosticOff
8 lcm( poissoncdf( angle( ShadeF( TInterval Select( (next table)
9 gcd( geometpdf( cumSum( Matr►list( 2-SampTInt ANOVA( (next table)
A randInt( geometcdf( expr( List►matr( SetUpEditor ModBoxplot (next table)
B randBin( normalpdf( length( Z-Test( Pmt_End NormProbPlot (next table)
C sub( tpdf( ΔList( T-Test Pmt_Bgn unused (next table)
D stdDev( χ²pdf( ref( 2-SampZTest( Real unused (next table)
E variance( Fpdf( rref( 1-PropZTest( re^θi unused (next table)
F inString( randNorm( ►Rect 2-PropZTest( a+bi unused (next table)
Miscellaneous 2-Byte Tokens (0x68 - 0xF5)
6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
0 (prev. table) Â Î Û β a p reserved 0 x
1 (prev. table) Ä Ï Ü γ b q @ 1
2 (prev. table) á í ú Δ c r # 2 EFh_LUpBlk.gif
3 (prev. table) à ì ù δ d s $ 3 F0h_LDnBlk.gif
4 (prev. table) â î û ε e t & 4
5 (prev. table) ä ï ü λ f u ` 5 7Fh_LinvEQ.gif
6 (prev. table) É Ó Ç μ g v ; 6
7 (prev. table) È Ò ç π h w \ 7
8 Archive Ê Ô Ñ ρ i x | 8
9 UnArchive Ë Ö ñ Σ j y _ 9
A Asm( é ó ´ unused k z % 10
B AsmComp( è ò ` φ unused σ
C AsmPrgm ê ô ¨ Ω l τ
D compiled asm ë ö ¿ $\hat{p}$ m Í ß
E Á unused Ú ¡ χ n GarbageCollect x
F À Ì Ù α F o ~ T unused


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