Indicates the beginning of a custom list.
While editing a program, press:
- 2nd LIST to access the List menu
- RIGHT to access the OPS submenu
- 2nd B to select ∟, or use arrows
1 byte
The ∟ character is used at the start of the name of any custom list you create, for example:
In most cases you need to include this when accessing or manipulating a custom list (although there's a few exceptions, see the Optimization section below). You do not need this character when accessing the the default lists L₁…L₆).
The maximum length of the list name (not including the ∟) is five letters. ∟ABCDE works, but ∟ABCDEF does not. List names must start with a letter A-Z but can also include numbers so ∟LIST1 and ∟LIST2 are valid list names, but ∟123 is not.
There are two ways to insert this character:
- Press 2nd, LIST, press right arrow to access the OPS menu, scroll to the bottom, and press ENTER to insert the ∟ character. You can then type the rest of the name of your list.
- If your custom list already exists, you can press 2nd, LIST, select the name of your list, and press ENTER. The whole name including the ∟ character will be inserted.
You don't actually need to include the ∟ command when storing (→) to a list.
Although the name X as used above also matches the name of a regular real variable, since the data being stored is a list, it will be saved to ∟X.
When storing to a specific list item, you MUST still include the ∟ character:
Some of the list commands also allow for leaving off the ∟ character, such as SetUpEditor. However, be careful when doing so with Input and Prompt because you might only be asking the user to input a list, but if a real value is entered, it would be saved to a real variable instead.
Error Conditions
- ERR:SYNTAX is thrown if you try to reference/create a list with more than 5 characters in its name.
- ERR:UNDEFINED is thrown if you try to use ∟ on an undefined list.
Related Commands
- → (store)