[[include inc:routine
If the image is embedded on the same page, then only the full name of the image is to be written here. Otherwise, simply paste the full URL of the image.
Just type in a brief description of the routine
Enter all inputs required for the routine to work, and include a brief description of what they are
Enter all outputs the routine generates, and include a brief description of what they are
Just give a brief description of all variables the routine uses
Enter the calculators compatible with a syntax similar to the example used for all calculators: TI-83/84/+/SE
Enter the author of the routine, if only one person created it
Enter a list of authors of the routine, if more than one person created it
Enter a URL to any relevant or related websites, followed by a space, and what you want to display. For example: |url=http://www.unitedti.org Routine's Derivative
Enter the URL to a downloadable version of the routine, followed by a space, and what you want to display. For example: |url=http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/routine.zip routine.zip