Overview of Included Pages
This page is a guide to the includable pages with their parameters. See the wiki syntax description for an explanation of including pages.
Includes for home pages
- Members for the list of when members joined
TI-83 Section:
- 83 News for new and old news.
- Infobox containing useful information.
- Announcement
- 83 Did You Know for Did you know… items.
- 83 Featured Command for the featured command.
- 83 Featured Article for the featured article.
TI-68k Section:
- 68k News for new and old news.
- Infobox containing useful information.
- Announcement
- 68k Did You Know for Did you know… items.
- 68k Featured Command for the featured command.
- 68k Featured Article for the featured article.
Includes for command, routine and program pages
TI-83 Section:
- 83 Command Infobox
- 83 Command Infobox HELP for instructions on how to use the infobox.
- 83 Routine Infobox
- 83 Routine Infobox HELP for instructions on how to use the infobox.
- 83 Program Infobox
- 83 Program Infobox HELP for instructions on how to use the infobox.
TI-68k Section:
- 68k Command Infobox
- 68k Command Infobox HELP for instructions on how to use the infobox.
- You probably don't need to worry about the Backend.
- Error Conditions
- 68k-error
- num = error number (e.g. "260")
- error = error description (e.g. "Domain Error")
- cause = error cause (e.g. "the argument is not in the range 1-99")
- 68k-error
Miscellaneous Includes
- Tablet for the programs in the archives
- Tablet HELP for instructions on how to use the infobox.
- You probably don't need to worry about the Backend.
- math or 68k-math for math formulas in the right background color.
- eqn = LaTeX equation
- markup or 68k-markup for a markup limitations warning.
- cmd = command to issue a warning about
- next-prev for linking to next/previous pages of a tutorial.
- prevpage = linkable name of previous page
- prevtitle = title of previous page
- tocpage = linkable name of table of contents page
- toctitle = title of table of contents
- nextpage = linkable name of next page
- nexttitle = title of next page
- stub for a page with minimal content.
- cleanup for a page that needs to be cleaned up.
- cid for a page that is currently in development
- extra = extra information that will be displayed;
- You probably don't need to worry about the cid-backend.
- development for a page that is a member of the development cycle.