Good luck all.
Looks fun I've actually been working on some gui's
awesome. Is it like a subprogram?
Well I've been trying to improve on some list sprites and use it to make a better mouse.
Yeah I'm making a mouse that can pass over things without effecting them.
That's great, but can it also make a gui frame?
I don't know if I was really clear on that.
I'm still rather confused as to what you want it to do.
like this program, only like a subprogram.
Wait, so you want a sub-program that allows you to create a gui based on answer arguments and strings and such that could be ussed in a game, maybe even repeatedly, to make menus and gui's for different circumstances?
pretty much. you want t do it?
indeed. I'm working on a fast, homescreen based gui that is made for speed. It can handle an unlimited number of elements and takes only 1 argument (A string).
Although i might make one on the graph screen just to make one that looks really nice. The homescreen one is just plain text
okay, I have these people doing challenge 6:
Possibly Noah.
Okay, if your wondering what I want, Things like a small window for something like an alert and a big window for main things. A fully customizable gui would work too.
Note: This is not required, but if you want to do things like handle checkboxes or scroll bars, that would get bonus points and might help you win.
Please post for confirmation if you want to do program challenge 6.
pleas reply if you want to do it.
Also, how's it going with the programs?
I'll try. I just haven't had the time to think about starting… We have a set finishing date yet?
Heheh, I remember when I just started these things and nobody even saw them. I think it was builderboy who first started posting… If that's wrong, tell me. I want to know.
I'm doing it
I'm creating a homescreen based menu more leaning on speed and size than super coolness and features
although it will support an unlimited number of items to select
The challenge ends Saturday, is anyone done, or should I extend the date?
Is this anything like what my slideshow program would be? Because it allows for a heck of a lot of manipulation of the graphsreen. If so, then my slideshow program (it's already in the archives) is in.
Is anyone going to take on the sixth challenge? It's still there, and it won't end till at least two people complete it. In the meantime, Challenge 7 is being postponed until Challenge 6 officially finishes.

Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I know I haven't been here in a while but I would like to participate in this challenge.
We need to finish this challenge.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I might try, but the main problem is my lack of knowledge on what a GUI is. We'll see if I can concoct some materialistic entity that somehow resembles a GUI.

Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Well, for the most part, all I ask is to be able to have a window and a checkbox. Anything else is just browny points. Now then, shall we set a date?
December '09 or whenever we get enough entries. Shall we say three unless no-one else states their intent to compete?
Well so far, we have 3 people saying they will participate:
Timothy Foster says he might
Socks I hope he will
Zaphod Beeblebrox said on December the 9 he would.
Also, Timothy, I believe, changed the date to 1/1/09. I am okay with this date. Any complaints?
I don't have time. I'm too busy on Zoo Tycoon, sorry.
I'll judge, though.
With the new entry deadline I have decided to join the competition, although I am not exactly sure what I am supposed to be doing, I'll try my best to create a nice drawing gui. It actually seems pretty easy if I understand what a gui is.
I am judging.
Thanks for joining. Look at the post I made on the 13 of December.
My program is finished and completely uploaded. I included an example that works for friendly graphscreen coordinates (0->94, 0->62). I can also create another example that works for other screen dimensions if you desire.
Awesome, we have someone who tried it. Anyone else?
I''m working on one with sprites,text input and various other features.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Ok I've writen mine up just have to wait to get to other computer to upload it it's a rpg selection screen. It features name entry,a chekcbox style thing for selecting type and a little sprite screen.
We have two people doing the challenge, any more.
I'm working on a way to do a windows style gui on the calculator. I know it doesn't sound feasable, but right now the alpha is working pretty good. I can't say any more because it could ruin the competition :-)