anyone ever remember the times when we used ti 82s? in 6th and 7th grade my math teacher Mr. McCallum was able to salvage the used school calculators from the 8th grade math program and sign them out to us little kids. now that im in 8th grade im a big boy now and use a ti 84 silver +, but its the ti 82s that got me started. what got u into programming?
I started programming because someone deleted information on my calculator. I know, it's weird, but true. You can read about it here.

Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
You had a graphing calculator in 7th grade? We weren't allowed to use them until Junior year. Btw, anyone else who remembers using a TI-82 is probably much older than you since it was discontinued around the time you were in first grade. I actually laughed pretty hard when I read that you were an 8th grader talking about "the good old days" (no offense meant). Even a regular 83 is pretty hard to come by now (or last year).
Edit: Welcome to the TI community.
I got into algebra 2, (also known as the beginning of precalc), in 7'th grade. My dad got me a ti-83 plus because my brain would
probably pop without one. *shudders at thought* But the class wasn't as boring as I thought.
@Edward H
Wow, the earliest Algebra 2 was offered at my school was 10th grade!
Haha, they are pretty expensive, but once you learn how to use them (all the features, not just addition) then it is worth it.
No offense taken. i was actually trying to be funny (i know- my sense of humors pretty bad) by pretending to be anything other than total noob in programming. but i did get hooked when my math teacher showed us the 82. its real old, i couldent even find one online. all i could find was ti 84 + silvers and ti 83s. and these things are more expensive than one might think. my dad pulled a hernia when he saw the price tag at office max. (there we go- another bad joke…). but yeah, even the 6th graders have ti 82s. my school didnt want to throw away the old calculators, so they became hand me downs. the 8th grade is even reccomended to buy ti 84 plus silvers. wierd, i guess. watev.
Heh, I started on some old 81+ that my mom got in a garage sale when I was in the seventh grade. It didn't come with an instruction manual, so I had to figure out programming through trial and error. I remember you couldn't use If:Then:End conditionals, so in order to do code blocks in a conditional I repeated the If statement for every line in the block. Haha, those were the good old days. ;D
I started on a TI 99/4a Home Computer. THOSE were the days :)
I actually started with the TI-83+ 7.5 years ago and got a SE a few months later but recently I acquired almost all old TI models. I got the TI-80, TI-81, TI-82, TI-83 (not +), TI-85 and TI-73 now. It is insane that I managed to do a TI-81 version of my first RPG ever (Illusiat 1) given the 2400 bytes memory limitations and limited commands and think about how you can't even do a game on the Nspire. This was a bit weird to be forced to use Lbl/Gotos for loops and not have Then/Else instructions, though