Here is the forum thread for the 5th Program Challenge! Post your questions and submissions here.
Good luck, and happy programming!
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Here is the forum thread for the 5th Program Challenge! Post your questions and submissions here.
Good luck, and happy programming!
What is the upper boundary for the numeric-verbal translation? Also, how many decimal places should the program be compatible with?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
What do you mean "Word equivalent?"
I think "word equivalent" is like inputting a 6, and the output is "six". Or, for 74, the calc outputs "seventy four". And for 3.5, the calc outputs "three and five tenths". This is what I assumed, but I could be wrong.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I though 3.5 would be more like 'Three Point Five'
That probably would be a lot easier too, but then again, thats not what these challenges are for ;)
This isn't a very "challenging" challenge from my point of view.
Well, then it should be easy for you to win. I think that if you want a harder challenge, you should
make a program that you input the word form, and the program outputs the decimal form. It would be
entirely useless, but it would be considerably more difficult.
Well, I finally optimized my program a little and submitted it. One thing to note is that it supports any number of decimal places and digits — up to 14, which is the upper limit on the calculator's precision. The English equivalent for these large numbers (such as 12345.12345, which comes out as "TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE AND TWELVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE TEN THOUSANDTHS") are often really really big, too big to fit on the screen. So I implemented (at the cost of about 120 bytes D:) a scrolling output, in case the output is too large for the screen.
Nice work. Mine is not nearly as good. I designed mine for pure speed, so it is very very large. I have yet to put mine in.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Thank you! Yes, I usually optimize my programs for size, not speed.
I just noticed that the word-wrap looks really really bad with my program. The output is really hard to read when it's bigger. I really need to implement some sort of intelligent word-wrapping, something that wraps at spaces and hyphens… bleh.
How do you output the answer in your program?
The output on mine is sort of crazy, but it worked. First of all, my program only holds numbers up to 99999.999 and as low as 0. This way, I won't have a scrolling problem. Each two digit sector has its own line, the hundred's place gets its own line, thousand gets its own line, and my singular and is vertical. (Weird, I know, but it wa the only way I could fit it.) With the way mine is set up, when you type a 1, the output is "One", but it is in the middle of the screen.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I downloaded yours. It's amazing.
Really, I don't think there is a reason for having this type of program, except for perhaps writing checks if your lazy. But then again, your program is nice. Overall, my program is faster for bigger numbers, but the same for smaller ones. I'll be submitting my faster program, not the smaller one.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Yes, the programs are useless… but they're hilariously useless. =D Plus, programming them is kinda fun.
@your previous post:
Yes, I was thinking maybe something like that; with line breaks decided by the digit, not the spaces between words. I'm not sure how I would scroll a large number and do that at the same time, though. So for now, I'll leave it the way it is until I think of something.
Word equivalent does in fact mean if the user inputs 6, output six.
The ceiling should be 10,000, same as the roman numerals.
Decimal support should be to the thousandths place - the largest number it needs to be able to do is 10,000.999, which should be outputted as "TEN THOUSAND AND NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE THOUSANDTHS". The smallest number would be .001, which would be outputted as "ONE THOUSANDTH" or "ZERO AND ONE THOUSANDTH"
If you can do it without strings, that would be cool, and I know it can be done. But make sure it does it fast!
Ok, thanks.
My program is almost complete; all it needs to do is display the decimal part.
I should probably warn you that my program is kind of messy… I only picked up programming this summer and I am still learning things here and there. But then again, the challenges are challenging to me, so they help me learn :)
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Where do we upload the program? I am done with my program which is… well… ok I guess. It displays all the numbers accurately and includes the numbers from 0 to 99999.999, but I ran out of room for the "and" and did some rather creative output engineering. It's not a professional work of art, but I am happy that it actually works for my first actual challenge.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
You can upload your program on the archives!
A problem has risen.
I tried uploading the program file with TI-Connect, but it said that it would not work. The computer was rejecting the calculator for some odd reason. Is there a step by step process on how to upload programs? What I did was open up the directory and clicked Open. I would probably lose anyways since my program is so large, but I would enjoy being a participant for probably what was my hardest program yet. How do you use TI-Connect to transfer files and programs?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
When looking at the files the calculator contains, drag the file to the desktop (or whatever folder you want it in)
It did not work, and I tried several times. I keep getting an error like this:
"Cannot access the file specified. Please check for Hidden or Read-only condition [80030107]"
What should I do?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I haven't heard of that one before…
Is it a long program? Could you manually type in on the computer?
I have created a framework where you submit solutions either by calculator file or written program code on the page. Just click "more details" and then click "Submit program code".
I think you should create a new forum post asking for help on the situation too.
I'd look more into it, but I am in a hurry to get somewhere on time at the moment. Good luck with it though.
My program is kind of long, but I am shortening it before submitting. The error is weird, especially since I was able to download a file no problem. Does mine being an Nspire calc with the 84 keypad make a difference? It might because the ports are different, but it doesn't explain why I can receive stuff. I'll post a code when it's ready.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I have a question: What is preferred?
A program that is smaller, but slower?
Or a program that is larger, but faster?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
For exact details, one program takes 1.2 seconds with 500 bytes less memory than the other, and the other takes .76 seconds, but it takes more memory. The times are approximate. Which is better?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
It really depends on what other people contribute - if your small one runs as fast as the other programs submitted, it'll win.
It really is up to you.
Sorry, I know that wasn't very helpful.
But if I had to decide which of those was to win?
Probably the faster one in this case.
Ahh, it's the constant battle against size vs speed
Really Socks? You would choose the faster one?
I would choose the smaller one, because it is less than half a second slower (it is .44 seconds slower) and 500 bytes smaller is a FANTASTIC improvement.
But then we all have our own opinions of what compromises are worth it.
I think that, properly, 99 should be written ninety-nine, not ninety nine. There should be a hyphen between the tens and the ones place. Will this be required?
You know what? I agree. This is a program converting numerals into English words, so it should follow the correct English syntax of how numbers are written.
I will add this to the criteria.
Oh great. I will have to alter the code a little.
By the way, I think that 423 should be "Four hundred Twenty-three", not "Four hundred and twenty-three". I always learned it the first way (and my fifth grade teacher got real mad if we pronounced it with "and"). The reason is because "and" is used for decimals, and it can get a little misleading. This website says Americans omit the and, but the British keep it.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
And Australian English is typically a "hybrid" of American English and British English, leaning towards the latter.
Oh my goodness, you omit the "and"! That sounds terrible! I would say it doesn't comply with the English pronunciation of sentences.
I once had a teacher at my school: Mr. Witwitski. His name is Polish, and so it is pronounced correctly: Veetveetski. But we can't say it, it doesn't sound right. So we called him "Mr. Witwicki".
We say numbers like so:
One million, two hundred and eighty-four thousand, three hundred and sixty-seven and four hundred and nine hundredths, five hundred and fourty-six thousandths
I'm not sure how to judge this challenge anymore… There are some things about American English that I agree with, and some things that I do not. For instance, I like the way that American English is much more phonetic than British English (for example, the use of the letter "z"). But I don't like the omitting of the word "and".
Yeah, we would say it like this
One million, two hundred eighty-four thousand, three hundred sixty-seven and four hundred nine thousand, five hundred forty-six millionths
This could be a problem.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
four hundred nine thousand, five hundred forty-six millionths
Do you mean "…four hundred nine hundredths, five hundred fourty-six thousandths" ?
You know what, let's go with the "American" method, seeing as it is certainly easier to compile a number when reading the "American" version than the "British" version. Plus most people here are American.
Don't forget about me! :-)
This is definitely a challenging program for me because I haven't programmed in a while. It might not be the best program in the world but it should be taken into consideration. In my opinion, it runs quite fast.
Well, good luck to all!
Deadlines up!!! Now we get to see who wins.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I will. Unless James gets there first. Or we could both judge and talk through PM. Up to him, I guess.
Otherwise, it'll be me.
I got there first! I'm surprised you didn't PM me though, but I thought 10 days after judgment day was stretching it a bit, so I just judged it.
Looks like it's your turn to judge after graphmastur' challenge #6!