I started programming in TI-Basic, what I like to call Cisabit, (TI-Basic backwards [Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?]) during the early half of my sophomore year in High School. I've been programming in this deceptively simple language for about 1.5 to 2 years and absolutely love the pure fluidity of this language. It is entirely possible to take an idea and so easily put it into terms that can be programmed in this fine TI language.
Being self-taught since the beginning of this whole experimentation extravaganza with calculators, starting with EXTREMELY simple matrix programs (No really, it was literally [A] + [B] as the whole program) and evolving today into more complex and convoluted programs with features and ideas abound, I have found that there are numerous holes in what would otherwise be a solid understanding of this language. Case in point, I didn't even know what the heck the -getkey function did until I looked it up about 3 months ago and was astounded by how such a dead-useful function was practically tap-dancing under my nose and I didn't even notice!
But I digress.
I joined this site because I wish to expand upon and patch up my knowledge of this language so that I may go on to create even more spectacular programs with even more extensive features and to fix a few bugs along the way.
The name's Zenohm; nice to meet you!