Source Seekers - TI-83
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Started by: TI123outermeTI123outerme
Date: 10 May 2014 15:41
Number of posts: 15
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I got a brilliant idea to create a Dungeon Looter/Collection game, for both the TI-84+ and TI-84+CSE calculators, using the graph screen without color. The screenshots are taken on a TI-84+CSE, and although they sometimes show color, the game doesn't when running it on a TI-83 and up. The gameplay is focused less on combat and more towards collecting "rare artifacts", each map with a progressing difficulty level. Some levels are puzzles, but others will require fighting to obtain the artifact in question. I have quite a lot of work put into this! Go to this page to get the more recent updates when they are first published:
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