is it possible to something like this?
c command would be:
printf("first some text, then a numner %d then more text, maybe another number", variablename1, variablename2);
Why is TI-Nspire programming getting so popular nowadays? xD I have one myself, the Touchpad version, but I've always used the TI-84 keypad.
On the TI-84 though, you cannot display text and a variable on the same line. Apparently it's too much for the calculator to handle. Not sure if it ends to the Nspire.
If you use Output instead of Disp, you can display everything you want on a line ;)
Btw For putting strings together, Basic gives you the operator +. It does not only mean adding when standing between numbers, it also can put 2 Strings together:
Str1 + ' ' + Str2→Str3
Disp Str3
Wake me, when you need me.
in C:
printf("first some text, then a numner %d then more text, maybe another number", variablename1, variablename2);
on the nspire:
Disp "first some text, then a numbed",variablename1,"then more text, maybe another number",variablename2
it is easy:
disp "for exampel",21,"some more text",var1,var2,"etc"
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