My latest coding project involves neural networks, and I was trying to visualize my output using an algorithm that uses random numbers. In the process, I wondered what the graph output would be of a random number seed vs the first random number generated. Here a basic code which stores the x value to the seed, and then plots a point (x,10rand). The graph appears to oscillate similar to a sawtooth wave, but isn’t really a function because it appears there is more than one y value for every x value. I am still trying to figure out why, but they seem to be in phase. Anybody have any light to shed on this?
This is meant to be run with a window range of Xmin=0, Xmax=1000, Xscl=1, Ymin=-10, Yscl=1, Ymax=10.
The random seed function
A funny trick I discovered when experimenting with my +CE.