This is the second version of "name that command." I created this one because the first one was too big.
Okay, so the last challenge was in fact ΔList(, and goes to Weregoose.
This command is not really a hotshot per se, but it'll surely try to goad you along towards something fruitful.
How does that connect with the clues?
well, as far as I know, the TI-84 is the only one with the clock.
I've used it for a game to tell how long the person played.
In fact, I think I should post a tutorial on how to do that!!!
its not a hotshot because it is almost never used, but it can provide 'fruitful' results if used correctly.
Okay, I'll accept that. :)
Goad was chosen as a synonym, and Hot Shot® is a brand of cattle prod. Lastly, "fruitful" → "productive" (or one might think of "produce" when dealing with fruits).
I hope it wasn't asking too much to research someplace other than the catalog (which we don't appear to have a page for yet).
I am restarting the name the command discussion. Let's see who can get this one…
I am the command that has no real use on the calculator, changes output with activation of another command, and you must give me all, half, or nothing at all.
What command am I?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Because it changes output with the activation of another command (►Frac), and you must give some sort of number for that command to work (all=integer, half=fraction, nothing=zero).
That's some good thinking, but it wasn't what I was looking for. By changing output, I mean the command's output is different if the other command is activated. ►Frac doesn't change the output of ►Dec.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Umm… I have a feeling that I am wrong, but my guess is the angle( command, because:
1. It doesn't give anything except 0, or 3.14, as far as I have used it…
2. I think it might change if you go from degrees to radians?
3. It's of no use… to me at least.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Yeah, that'd be my second guess
1. Real gives part of the equation
2. It can change by changing the Mode to a+bi?
3. Umm… Its not really used except for xLib or Omnicalc.
In case you were all wondering, it was LinReg a+bx. The reasoning?
It's almost useless because it has a counterpart, LinReg ax+b, and they only differ by format.
Diagnostics On and Off will change the output. It adds the r or R2.
The "all, half, or nothing at all" refers to arguments. There are four arguments. You can give all of them, half (the x and y list), or nothing, and it will work.
Sorry if the clues weren't clear enough.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
If I could be used with a function, I could make it not so, and although my appearance may be easily interpretable, I do not do as I appear.
What command am I?
(This one might be tougher than the last, but I think I made the clues a little better.)
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
The "If I could be used with a function, I could make it not so" part, since if you could delete a function it wouldn't be anymore.
is it Clear Entries?
1. Cant be used with a function
2. if it cold be it would clear funtion and make it not so
I'm still working on second part.
It's not Clear Entries. The entire thing lies in the first clue, and the second clue tells you what it is once you know the first part.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
prgm? it cant be used with a function (not normally, in any case), and to someone who doesnt know, would think that pressing it was to enter the program editor
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But if pgrm could be used with a function?
Here is a hint for the first part: What is it that makes a function a function? It is referring to math, not calculator.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
ipart(? if you use it with the graph commands on the homescreen, the calc will throw an error, assuming there is an imaginary part
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It's not some command that is unheard of, like bal( or something. It is, however, sparingly used.
It's not iPart.
Again, think math terms. There are a lot of commands that don't work with functions. Which one of those when applied to a function would make it not a function?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I don't seem to be good at making these. The answer was Transpose, T. Transpose flips the coordinate values in a matrix. This command can't be used with a function. Now, in math, a function has x and y pairs, but a function cannot have more than one y value for an x value. Hence, if transpose was used on a function, mathematically speaking, it could flip the x,y coordinates. For a quadratic function, using a transpose would make it cease being a function and hence "make it not so". The second part says that even though it looks like a funny exponent function, that is not what it does.
Does someone else want to create a challenge?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I breach the limits of the mind
I allow you to open your eyes
The pith of the problem you may find
But only if you use me wise
It takes you out of the 'normal' program execution, and thus "breach the limit"
Goto/Label's are a big cause of people's problems. "The pith of the problem you may find"
It can be used well/wisely, but in general people are recommended to not use it. "But only if you use me wise"
Not sure what to do with the second line though.
nope, haha.
Hint: I found the word pith using a thesaurus.
doesn't help that much but whatever :P
I breach the limits of the mind
people love using menu for those "choice games" like bob game.
by using menu, the writer can connect the choices to
anything they want, even ridiculous stuff
I allow you to open your eyes
by repeatedly trying every choice, you can eventually find the correct
The pith of the problem you may find
i mess up the menu function when i actually use it.
i forget commas and quotation marks and then cant find the missing
thing when the menu errors
But only if you use me wise
the wrong choice, and youre dead
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This is a nice little poem you made!
Anyway, is it the √( command?
I breach the limits of the mind
When graphed, it mathematically has no limits. Therefore, it breaches limits.
I allow you to open your eyes
Well, if you read "eyes" out loud, you can hear i. Square root (along with other even roots) allows the imaginary i to appear with negative numbers.
The pith of the problem you may find
In a program, if you get an i without a+bi mode, the program errors and becomes a problem. Also, a synonym for "pith" is root.
But only if you use me wise
The "but" makes this a little harder to interpret, but I think that if you use it in a situation where you can't get a negative, then you are using it wisely.
Timothy Foster — My Site ~ iNews ~ TI|BD
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
that is very close. might as well give you credit because you said it in your answer even though it wasn't actually your answer
I am almost never picked out of the loot
But for you I will always be by
Unless you're a branch, but rather an unhappy root
For I am a+bi
Line 1: breaching the limits of the mind refers to imagination
Line 2: eyes of course, is a reference to i
Line 3: The root of the (algebraic) problem you may find
Line 4: I couldn't think of anything so i just put that in there lol
Line 5: It really has no practical use
Line 6: This line is connected to the next one
Line 7: Negative roots, of course.
Line 8: A+BI YAY!!!
So, who has the next one?