I was wondering what you guys thought about adding a short blurb to the side navigation addressing first time visitors? The reason I ask is because there are lots of people that visit the site, but for whatever reason don't become members and participate, and I think that's partly due to the fact that they don't know any better. I would also be interested in hearing any ideas you guys have.
It needs to be something that they see right off the bat.
Can we edit the javascript code directly instead of using wikidot's syntax?
No, I don't believe so. What did you have in mind?
I'm learning javascript, and I thought we could put a cookie on the person's machine one their first visit. If their was no cookie on the machine, then it would display a welcome screen. It would also give them the option to sign in if they wanted to. If they cleared their computer of cookies, then signing in or just revisiting the sight would restore it.
I like the idea, but unfortunately we don't have the ability to use our own cookies. A welcome screen would be a nice touch, though. Do you have any ideas for things to include on the page?
let's try this:
<FORM NAME="Myform">
<input type="button" name="abutton" value="submit">
That didn't work, let's try this:
<HTML> <FORM NAME="Myform"> <INPUT TYPE="button" name="abutton" value="submit"> </form> </html>
That doesn't work either.
Is their any way to send wikidot e-mails?
Basically, wikidot doesn't allow anything you could horribly misuse.