I am making a movie maker for the ti-83/84 calculators. If you have any suggestions or if I need help with something, I/you will post it here.
In what format will each frame be stored? (I'm guessing string)
How many frames per second?
True video? Or more of a slideshow?
0 →xmin
94 →xmax
-62 →ymin
0 →ymax
The list is what all the dimensions are based off of. It stands for Component TYPe. In the list, a "1" represents a line, and a "0" represents a circle.
This lists contains the value for the first x coordinate in the "line" function. It is also the x coordinate for the center of the circle.
This lists contains the value for the first y coordinate in the "line" function. It is also the Y coordinate for the center of the circle.
This lists contains the value for the second x coordinate in the "line" function. It is also the x coordinate for some point on the edge of the circle.
This lists contains the value for the second y coordinate in the "line" function. It is also the y coordinate for some point on the edge of the circle.
What needs to be done?
I am making the part that allows it to rotate. The entire "component" will rotate around a single point. That point will be the first on inputted in the ∟C1XP and ∟C1YP. The rest of the components need to rotate around that pint without that point moving. Also, the entire thing needs to be able to move up, down, left, and right.
I have tried making this part of it with no success, please help me.
So is this in Basic? How would this relate to movies?
Also, rotation of points and translations and such are covered in great detail in the statistical sprites section of advanced graphics. It contains formulas for rotating, moving, and stretching points relative to a central position.
(I would say i wrote it, but nobody liked my version ;) )
And you didn't answer all of my questions, or do they apply?
Here are tho two forums that explain how I use it:
the asm program that recalls a string according to a number.
The start of the program that recalls the graph screen through str1.
Here is the code for the video
-1 →A
Repeat getkey
A+1 →A
As for frame rate, I don't exactly know. However, It is not quite like a slideshow. In my "mac os for the ti" program, The Powerpoint can convert into a movie file.
Also, look at my window coordinates. Can you explain how the stat plot works with my lists and window coordinates.
You would keep your 4 coordinate lists C1xp- c2yp so that their center is always the origin, or point 0,0.
This is because rotations, and scaling and such always work about the origin. Meaning that when you rotate something, it will always rotates it around 0,0
By keeping your coordinate lists around the origin, you can use seperate variables to denote the center of your object. So when you display the lists after rotating, scaling, ect… you would do add the coordinate variables to your lists, and store those to a sepperate list that would be used to display the image.
The only thing that matters in your graphing window coordinates is that you have the correct digit to pxl ratio, which of coars, is 1:1. Meaning that for every number, you have 1 pxl. It dosn't matter if your window is way off down in the -10000s, because the ratio is all that matters in statistical plotting.
Did that make sense? I know i can understand it, but sometimes i find a hard time explaining what i know.
I know what you mean, but my coordinates must stay the same window dimensions. I know about Δx and Δy.
Since the center is (47,-31), I didn't know how to do it.
I will still try though, thanks anyway.
I'm not asking you to change your window dimensions, i am only saying that there is very little difference from your window screen, to a window screen with a center of 0,0.
All you have to adjust is the position variable accordingly.
That makes perfect sense.
P.s. how do I do that?
Well, since the center of your images would be placed over 0,0 by default, you would set your position variables (Say x and y) to 47 and -31. This way, when you add your position variables to your lists, their apparent position is in the center, while their actual position remains the same.
Oooh, that might take a while…
They currently have 148 files pending and its been that way for a while…
In that case there will probably be more files pending on TiCalc!
also, Is their anything that you want to see in it.
No, just follow the releasing your program page.
In which case I need your help.
I need a program that take two sets of lists (outer (x,y) and inner (x,y)) and shades everything in-between. The lists should be able to be able to be different lengths.
Please help.
You mean it takes two lines dictated by outer x y and inner x y?
Oh, i see now. Hmm that would be tricky.
What are you trying to do that needs this? Just curious.
Firstly, the problem needs to be simplified to figuring out how to fill a polygon in the first place. Are the ones we'll be encountering generally convex, or can they be concave (which calls for a different set of algorithms), and would it be more appropriate to draw the lines first and then fill them in, or to have it be done all at once (i.e., the shading is what builds the figure, which also requires a different approach)?
Or do you just want to fill in the gaps between two rectangles?
I want to will the gaps between two shapes, the shapes could be anywhere from 1 to 100 or more points.
It should also be able to handle circles. I thought if I wanted to shad the entire circle or shape, I could designate any point in the shape and it would shade everything in the circle.
about convex and concave, I could specify xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax and then the circle, and It would shade everything in-between. Or I could specify the circle and 1 point on the inside and it would shade the entire circle inward.
The lines and circles would be pre-drawn.