it has a great engine and great fast gameplay, but every now and then it crashes and gets a syntax error. Am i the only one having this problem?
You seem to be having problems with your calculator.
I want your calculator model, OS version, and anything that could cause a problem (shells like MirageOS and DCS, Libraries like Omnicalc, and so on)
I have a ti-84 SE+
OS version 2.40
(I am downloading new one soon…)
I have MirageOS and Omnicalc and xLIB
Niether xLIB or Omnicalc were installed when this happened.
What settings do have on in MirageOS?
If nothing else, just delete MirageOS and the libraries and see what happens.
Just the normal, read hidden programs, allow write back. View program images.
I didn't use mirageOS to play the game.
I'll check and see again, just a sec…
K, so i deleted all non default apps, cleared ram, garbage collected, installed latest OS, and re downloaded pipes, and still got the syntax error.
But did you try it, you assume the problem is mine. I noticed the error always occurs under certain conditions. Whenever your score does not reach a highscore, it gets an error.
Try it.
Even if you don't have an app installed or use the app to run something it can still corrupt your calculator. I suggest removing your apps and trying again.
I did, i removed all aps not default on my calculator…
I think the reason we are assuming is that the errors you are getting for both Metroid Pi and Pipes are errors that definitely would have been fixed before release.
There seems to be something very wrong with your calculator. So let us reset it completely.
Firstly, transfer every program you do not want to lose onto the computer. Done? Good, because everything on the calculator is about to be erased.
Now press [2nd] then [+] to get to the "MEMORY" menu. Press [UP] twice, so that you are selecting "Reset". Press [ENTER]. Now press [LEFT] to select the "ALL" tab. Press [ENTER] on the "All Memory…" option. Finally, press [2] to activate the "Reset" option.
Now your calculator should be completely clean. But because you seem to have problems, I highly recommend downloading an OS and resending it to your calculator, to rid your calculator of any assembly reminiscence that may be making your calculator malfunction.
Done that?
Now put ONLY THE "PIPES" game on your calculator, ungroup it, and play it, to check for any problems. If there is none, then put the Metroid Pi game on your calculator to see if that is now working. If that is working, then it is clear that there WAS an assembly program which had gone wrong on your calculator. If the games are still not working, then your calculator may be completely broken.
Personally, I don't run any sort of GUI on my calculator because of the problems associated with them. Perhaps you should try the same thing?
When I release programs, I intentionally make sure to release them without any compatibility with Mirage or any other OS, because if the OS goes wrong whilst people are playing my programs, I will get the blame.
Cheers ~ James Kanjo
I really don't use MirageOS except for running the games associated with them. (Like Ztetris). I Always run Basic games from the home menu.
I'll try that memory reset thing…
so… I need MirageOS to run ZTetris??
Yes, you do. However, this thread is over ten years old. I see you're new to the site, so welcome to TI|BD, but please read through our Rules and Code of Conduct. It is much easier to understand and find your post if you start a new thread rather than posting on an old one. If you have a question on a particular post, you can mention the post in your thread.
I re-set my mem, (Completely) re-downloaded pipes, and i still got the error. Fed up, i unlocked it, took a look at the code, and found that it really WAS a syntax error. I will now post the code for the program PSEND
Text(16,29,"ROUND ",P
Text(22,21,"SCORE: ",I
Text(28,21,"TOTAL: ",V
:0:Repeat Ans=21
If I<=F:Goto 1
Lbl 1
:Horizontal A
:Horizontal -62-A
If V>=LPIPES(5):Goto 2
*This end has NO loop pertaining to it, and if we look at the code above, it only reads it if you don't get a highscore. And this code was copied directly out of the program on my computer, so don't anybody go saying the program was corrupted and changed on my calc. When i take out this end, the entire program works flawlessly.
Had anybody even tried the program to see if my claims were correct? Suppose not. Everybody just assumed it was all me.
I did play it, and got no problems. I didn't just assume it was your problem alone. When I went to replicate your findings, I was unable to get the syntax error.
You are correct that the "End" after "If V≥LPIPES(5):Goto 2" should not exist.
Could you give me the exact instructions to get a syntax error? That is, delete the ∟PIPES list so the high scores aren't retained, and then give instructions, button by button.
Congratulations on finding the error, by the way.
Does Metroid Pi now work successfully?
Cheers ~ James Kanjo
sorry, i was just frustrated
I did not check metroid Pi yet.
store 5 to the dimension of list PIPES
fill each element with 99
play the game, and when you get to the gameplay, do nothing so your overall score is 0
You will get the error.