has anyone other than me noticed that you can store four variables in one by using ipart,fpart,real, and imag together? for instance, instead of 1→A,1→B,1→C,1→D, you can put 1.1+1.1i→A.
3 if you're using xLib :P
Hey, this is ti-BASIC dev. As in PURE BASIC. Anyone using xlib, omnicalc, etc. is cheating, it's just not basic that way.
Usage of libraries made by other people is being smart not cheating, it is purely resourceful. And people who use them tend to be a lot less arrogant.
I have to side with Zaphod. TI-Basic is the only BASIC programming language out there that doesn't let you do squat with the system.
Visual BASIC? You can access the Win32 API things.
QuickBASIC? Back then, everything had access to the innards.
We need these libraries in order to truly fulfill the meaning of BASIC.
Yeah, but then the variable takes up twice as much space in a list. It would be a lot more profitable to store those numbers as 1111, and then extract them using int(, fpart(, and multiplication by powers of 10. Or powers of 100, if you wanna store double digits. Or powers of 16 if you're storing homescreen coordinates. You get the point.
I'm just saying that you can, I'm not saying that you should.
you can store even more numbers
say, you want to store {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6
(a list can hold 12 decimals? yes?)
you compress it whit .123456789012*10^3+.456789012345(i)*10^6 ->A
you can get the *10^3 whit 1+int(log(real(A
you repeat the same step whit *10^6 (i)
then, you can put another (2) binairy numer in the minus sing
this equals 28 numbers in a var! omg lol
this is kinda offtopic, but it is WITH not WHIT. I guess this doenst make any sense for now, but if you spell it like this at an english exam you wont get a high mark (dat is natuurlijk niet de bedoeling ;)
english mark is 5.8 atm..
:D grammar nazi
Actually, a complex number can hold 32 single digits. And it can hold 108 binary numbers. (Technically it can hold 110, but I haven't found a way to do so yet.)
Using real, imag, iPart and fPart can store 4 numbers, but it takes up much more room, and there's a speed difference between real/imag and iPart/fPart.