I need help optimizing this part of code for a game. Especially the Lbl G1 to If K. Let me know if you need more code to help.
:Lbl G0
:Vertical 14
:Vertical 76
:Text(-1,28,33,” SET
:rand(34 //1 space either side of ‘SET’
:Text(-1,28,33,” GO! and ‘GO!’
:Text(-1,28,33,” //6 spaces
:Lbl G
:If C=34:0→V
:If C=23:Then
:Text(-1,28,30,” //6 spaces
:Text(-1,36,32,” //6 spaces
:If Ans
:Vertical X
:If X≥74 or X≤16
:Goto E
:Lbl G1
:If D≥L:Then
:If E≥L:Then
:If F≥L:Then
:Text(int(F-L),P,” //3 spaces
:If G≥L:Then
:If H≥L:Then
:If K:Then:
:If (N≤X)(X≤N+2)(D≥0:Goto GD
:If (O≤X)(X≤O+2)(E≥0:Goto GE
:If (P≤X)(X≤P+2)(F≥0:Goto GF
:If (Q≤X)(X≤Q+2)(G≥0:Goto GG
:If (R≤X)(X≤R+2)(H≥0:Goto GH
:Lbl G2
:If D≥58 or E≥58 or F≥58 or G≥58 or H≥58:Goto E
:Goto G