Just a stupid thing i thought to share
Calculator: Yawn… wonder when we'll wake up…
Screen: I guess…
GetKey: Whoa whoa whoa! Sir, we've got a rapid double tap of agent 105!
Calculator: Ugh! Screen, please show your pixels and display a blinking rectangle in the upper left corner. Standard procedure.
Screen: Yes sir!
GetKey: Uh, sir, we're having a series of agents reporting… In chronological order, agent 92 reported before agent 95, and then 92 reported again.
GetKey Functions: Let'sh shee… Thatsh a calculashun of 1 plush 1, sir.
Calculator: 1+1? That's two… Screen, display the equation at the Output (1,1) and the digit "2" at Output (2,16).
Screen: It's there, sir.
Bluetooth: AHH! Sir, I'm being connected to Computer!
Calculator: ! I hate Computer, he's so stuck up about his four gigabytes!
Bluetooth: Hold on sir, my other end is being plugged into a USB slot. Ugh, feels so gritty.
GetKey: Sir, he's pressed 2ND, Link, Right arrow, and Enter.
GetKey Functions: Yesh, he'sh logged a command to link to Computer's USB portsh.
Calculator: Okay. Fiddle with this, a current sent there… Sorry Bluetooth old pal, this might sting a bit.
Bluetooth: AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calculator: Yeah, sorry about that. And… there we go! A link to Computer's disgusting software tentacles. (shudder) Screen, please display a message that says "Waiting…"
Screen: Yes sir.
Pixels: Wait! You forgot, the line is indented by one. Just five of my units to the right.
Screen: Oh d***! Sorry, sir.
Calculator: All's fine, all's fine… Now, I wonder what he want's to do with Computer?
GetKey: Sir, I've registered a sequence of 21, 22, 21, 32, 92, 26, 105.
Calculator: And what the hell is that supposed to be?
GetKey Functions: Uh, that would be a command to shend every one of your filesh to Computer, shir.
Calculator: (sigh)… Okay. Let's copy this, store this… And here's another sting, Bluetooth.
Bluetooth: Wait!
Calculator: What is it?
Bluetooth: Don't do it! I hate it, it hurts so badly!
Calculator: Dammit Bluetooth, we've taken a command! Pass these files or you'll regret it!
Bluetooth: …No.
GetKey: Blasphemy!
Screen: Mutiny! Oh shoot, didn't mean to put that on screen, Pixels.
I/O: Bluetooth, how dare you!
Bluetooth: I still don't want to.
Calculator: Goodness… Screen, please display an Error message for Pixels.
Screen: Uh, what kind of error, sir?
Calculator: I don't care, just make it up!
GetKey Functions: How about a Shut Up Error?
GetKey: No, I think a Divide by Zero would be better.
Calculator: No, no, a syntax!
Screen: I'll just put a Linking error.
Pixels: That doesn't exist!
Calculator: It does now.
Screen: Here we go…
Calculator: What is it? What's happened?
Pixels: Yeah, what-
GetKey: AAAAAHHHHH!!! He's smashing my agents!
Calculator: @$#%! Holy *&*!
GetKey: 21! 84! 103! 45!
Calculator: Don't give me values!
GetKey: Yes Sir!
Screen: What do we do, sir?
Calculator: We can't stop his anger. We'll have to shut down.
Bluetooth: Yes! Thank you!
Pixels: Shut up, Bluetooth! This is all your fault! Hang in there, GetKey!
Calculator: Screen, you can retire. Turn it all off.
Casing: Uh, sir, he's doing something with the back.
Calculator: What?…. I……… no…………. power……………..
Pixels: He's…………….taken…………….the……………..batteries………………………good night.
The man shuddered as the shadow drew a glistening sword from his back. Creeping closer and closer with his pale eyes burning into the man, the shadow slowly raised his blade and before he could thrust it down, the man heard the shadow hiss something.
"The Shadow Clan's presence must be like a whisper. Always felt, but never seen…"