Hey, I'm Stephen. I've been programming Ti-Basic for a while, I started dabbling with programs that basically spammed Disp commands to make fun animations back in 8th grade on my Ti-84+SE. I've gotten very good at 84 Basic, but I'm usually too ADD to finish any serious projects :P Anyways, I got an 89 Titanium in Sophomore year, but mostly stuck with 84 for a while because of the lack of documentation for 89 Basic. I've messed around a lot since then and am pretty good at 89 Basic now (and kind of hate working with 83/84 Basic because of it's over simplicity). I've been working on a turn based strategy game for 89 for a while now, but it's not really going ahead very quickly because of school work. Anyways. Long story short, I'm good at 83/84 Basic and 68k Basic, I'm a Senior in high school, and play music.
Nice, hi Stephen! I have an 89t, 84+, and 84+SE, but I am not too good with 68k BASIC. However, I did find that the manual that TI provided with my TI-89 was very well documented if you haven't checked it out. You might be able to help us fill in the 68k command index, too, if you are feeling bored :D
So, anyways, what kind of programs have you made? I am entered in the TI-Concours programming competition (there are still a few weeks to register!) and one of the categories I entered was 68k BASIC, so I will need to get in a bunch of practice before March and I am looking for ideas >.>
Do you have experience with tilemaps in BASIC ? I imagined they wouldn't be too difficult, but I could obviously be wrong. I was thinking of making an animated tilemap engine using some complicated uses of # (for indirection) and Cycle(.
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0
I've made a little bit of everything… The program I mentioned above is called Shrüm Wars (the name's an inside joke). It uses a tile map complete with blinking curser and a button that switches the view between the unit map and the geography map. I'll post it's code and the program somewhere… (It's big…) i'll look around for where to put it.
Hey there.
Good to see someone with a similar/same name here. :D
I too program (mainly) for the TI-89 in TI-Basic. I love it when I see other 68k coders out there.
Same :) no one else at my school codes except for one of my friends, and he does 84, and then only what i've taught him :P… It's cool to see other people who are actually good at it.
Agh! I saw you entered the TI-Concours.
Now I'm never going to win. :P
I'm joking. It's nice to have good competers. :)
Haha, yes, I was very glad to see that you are competing!
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0
There are three kids in my school (other than me) who own graphing calculators, and they dont know "jack." It was very refreshing for me when I found this site. Welcome, Stephen Bendi!
Coffee + Radiohead = ^^