Hi, I'm new too! I just made an account, though I've been using this website for reference/learning new commands for quite a while, now. I'm a high school student, and I was inspired to start programming as soon as I noticed the PRGM button on my graphing calculator, when I started my first semester of high school. I am a magnet student, and I have taken the equivalent of Mathematics 1, 2, and 3 (I had an advanced class, so I took them in 2 semesters instead of 3). Just giving you some background information about me.
As far as programming goes, though I have only been programming for about 8 months, almost every day I have spent at least an hour, maybe 2 or more, learning new commands and programming. Just the entire experience of programming is quite enjoyable to me, especially the intricate mathematics that some programs require. This second semester I am far busier, and therefore I cannot program as much, but just the same, I continue to program, though I have pretty much, by this point, created everything I can think of. At this point I am almost out of memory in my TI-83+ calculator, so I have been putting most of my new ideas on hold while I have been optimizing all of my programs.
So yeah, I'm glad to be a part of you guys! :D