Exactly how compatible with the TI-84's are the TI-Nspire's? I'm thinking about getting one, because my 84+ se is wearing out ;( One of the deciding factors will be whether or not they have 68k programming capabilities, cause I want to learn 68k also
I´ve worked with the Nspire. I found the nspire very very useful for maths and very very useless for programming and games and any thing but maths. The nspire has almost none programming functions. There is Disp — For/EndFor — While/ EndWhile — Loop/EndLoop - Try/Else/endTry — Return — Exit — Label — Goto — If-Then-Else-EndIf. There are some more but i dunno what it means. There are also math command like max( . mean(. abs( seq( and all the string commands: instring - left - mid -sub ……
There is no: Input - Prompt - Repeat or any kind of graphical commands such as Line PntOn, Horizontal.. you get the point ;)
Some basic 'nspire-technology'. There is NO homescreen. Every thing is in documents and there is ALWAYS ONE document open. This is very frustrating to work with cause you cant go back to what the TI84P has, a homescreen.
a document excist of X problems with each problem Y pages. There are 5 different 'kinds' of pages. Notes (just letters and symbols, no function). Calculator, just a normal calculator. You prmgs in here. Graphs & Geonometry, graphs… but very detailed and with many options and functions. Such like moving with the cursor and drawing a triangle, this goes nice and smooth on the nspire. And such like an automatic area calculation which updates when you grab a point of the triangle and move it.
You also have an matrix-kinda page. Matrix with inprogrammed upper row, and first colomn. Not very handy.
and the 5th option for making a page is an program or function. Function is the same as a program but (i thought) functions can be opened in Graph&Geonometry. The programing is very poor. First line is:
"yourprogramname"(variables)= here goes nothing… :/ right…
Here follows your program..
Disp (-B+wortel(B²-4A*C))/2A
@an other page you type (there are letter buttons!! see images.google search TI-Nspire for pics)
You'll get .. uhm.. 4 (or -2 i dunno , this doesnt matter)
Wait there ARE things that are great about the nspire.
Scrolling between pages is quite simple and you can store things into variables. (use 'arrow' or :=) There for you can link a variable which you enter in a matrix (or in calc-mode) store it in a or ab or variable1 or G6. Variable you can name yourself, that s handy. This variable you can use in G&G mode in which you can draw almost everything. And connect this variable with for example a pillar.
the nspire is priced like the 84Plus SE.
The linking software is 199,95 times better then TI Connect. (works perfect) And with a legal buy of this thing ull get an emulator software. (and some booklets and cables etc etc)
sites: ti-nspire.com
this atomiclearning is a really good tutorial site which includes everything of the nspire (and CAS) and has movies which are easy to follow.
The graphics of the nspire are great. For really measures and stuff i guess you can browse wikipedia or google?
I dont know if you can use your nspire in the exams at school. Here in the netherlands (won 3-0 vs the worldchamp italy!! :D) is it illegal. And i dont think the nspire is ever gonna be legal for exams cause you can simply copy paste whole books in this 'calculator'.
I've recommend some other ppl to buy to TI84Plus SE in stead of the Ti Nspire but you already own the 84SE, if i were you i wont waste the money. The TI84Plus is never gonna be old, except if TI comes with an 85 but the nspire is no replacement for the 84/83
I hope you've gotten some clearer vision of the nspire and what to do. If you have futher questions… post here? browse the sites. Or post @ http://www.ti-nspire.com/tools/nspire/resources/interest_form.html
these people really know the nspire.
I've read something about having interchangeable keyboards with the 84. What do you know about this?
There actually already is a TI-85 (and for that matter, a TI-86), but it was discontinued a few years ago. In any case, thanks for the informative post. I like all the math changes they made to the Nspire, but it's pretty stupid how limited they made TI-Basic.
Yes there is a special keypad for 84plus SE mode. This works exactly like the TI84Plus SE except
for you have like 100 times the memory and the screendots are connected.
But i dont know if this pad is included in the normal sale-calculator. I got a special 'premium' box,
with a poster and french instruction booklets :/
but you already own a TI84Plus SE so this extra keypad is kinda useless. Also I tried to link files
from the nspire-84mode to TI84Plus but this wouldnt work. Same goes for the other way round.
+I forgot the most important improvement on the nspire in my first post !! :O
The are handy-to-use math templates like a divide-template where you can input numbers and
variables and other mathssymbols above the 'divide-line' (is this english??) and input these thing
underneath the line. E.g:
There are al lot of these templates such as 4^6 gives a 4 with an upper 6. And the sum-symbol
(greek letter E?)
I have an Nspire which I got a few weeks ago, it came with the TI-84+se keypad and has worked mostly well. There are a few problems though. The operating system for the TI-84+se is version 2.44. The latest on the TI website is 2.43. Also, the battery pull trick does NOT work, the only way to reset if its messed up is to push in the reset button on the back which will reset ALL RAM and ARC. So make sure you are constantly backed up on the computer. Also, the Nspire does not work with the TI-Keyboard.
The Nspire is allowed on exams in the United States, because it doesn't have a QWERTY keyboard.
I'm guessing 2.44 has special improvements that allows the OS to work on the keypad.
Geez, you guys keep on making me want it! STOP! :)
when you plug the 84+ keypad in, these 'special' things like resetting by removing the batteries and upgrading OS like at a normal TI84+ doesnt work cause these thing affect the hardware. and the nspire(84+ keypad) hardware isnt the same as the normal TI84+ hardware.
same goes for the TI-Keyboard.
Hey guys. I tried out the N-spire's 84+ emulation keyboard and it stinks. Not only do they emulate the processor speed much too slow (slower than the 83+), they also limit the pixels so that the graphscreen is the same resolution even though you have 4x the pixels on the N-spire. My advice is: DON'T BUY AN NSPIRE UNLESS YOU ARE A MATH GEEK.
wait, I've tried out a friend's Nspire too. Can you not program on it?
An Nspire calculator can be programed, but the programming is very limited. There is no graphical interface (along with no graph commands in programming). Also, there are no input capabilities at all except prior to the execution of the program. If you want to program, the TI 83 and 84 are better. I did manage to create a game called FighterX, but it uses three programs that are not connected. So, an Nspire can program, but not as well as older models.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
As far as I'm aware, the TI-Nspire is an inferior calculator compared with TI's older models. This would explain why it is $150 dollars cheaper than all other TI-Models here in Australia.
$150 cheaper?!?!?
Here its more expensive
Wow. Things are never cheaper in Australia, we usually find things cheaper in other countries (such as America) because of shipping fees.
But yes, it is AU$136. The TI-84 Plus is AU$286.
I wonder if, like all calculators, people will find a way
around all of these issues. Oh, by the way, can you
program asm on the Nspire?
No thats what everones trying to to figure out.
Hmmm… I guess we'll have to write all the games for it
as flash apps.
Wait, the Nspire 84+ keyboard is slower than a normal 84+? That might explain some of the slowness I experience on my programs. I think that the Nspire isn't a good programming device (but I do think it's mathematical features are good for class). The Nspire has 5 applications (calculator, grapher, spreadsheet, notes, and statistics), but I think it needs a 6th one (programming).
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
don't worry, someone will hack it eventually.
besides, that's what TI wanted it for, math.
Yes. I ran some tests using the currently "fastest getkey routine" and it took my little dude very approximately 20% more time to get across the screen than it does on my ti-83+, which is much slower than the 84+ to begin with.
Hmm, that's interesting. Oh well. We need to make a page or more devoted to the programming of the Nspire including all the lost functions as well as what can be done with it. Beginner programmers that bought the Nspire probably want to know what the Nspire does so they don't question it as much. Also, someone who is looking for a calculator with the intention of programming needs to know that the 84 is better and that the Nspire is meant for math and only math.
Should we?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Just another quick note on the 84 emulation. It does NOT run other OS's within itself. Meaning no LINUX or Mirage OS (which in iself rules out most gaming on the Nspire completely). If you try to run another OS it will crash the calculator and clear your RAM. I found out the hard way.
But I have not had any problems with storing any type of file nor with transfering files between calculators, whether it be an 83 or any 84. My only complaint is that it doesn't allow use of the USB port for transfers to 84's which makes large transfers painfully slow.
i am sorry to say this , but reding this page makes me laugh as it is full of 1)lies 2)guesses 3)uneducated advice
if i were you, i would disregard all on this page and got to ti's site for info
just to clarify this, you can link variables throughout a document,
which means changes to variables a program makes can affect the graph screen
a nice graphic connect4 is available at lafacroft.com (along with other things) that makes great use of graphics
you CAN run mirage os on the 84 portion ; you just need a patch available throught the web
you CAN link the nspire with 84 keyboard to a r4 using a usb cable, but you need to pay heed to the
a(sending) and (b)receiving ports on the usb cable (note: some, but very few files cannot be sent)
you have the same amount of ram and rom for the 84 portion as a normal 84+(se), which it emulates
on the nspire portion there is a press-to-test function that disallows use of programs
nspire is okay for many tests (which ti stresses to advertise)
if you are buying a 84, it may be worth it to pay $10 more and get the 84 + a far superior nspire
ti says they are developing an sdk and advanced programming
it seems to me as ti released an unfinished product and they are now updating its software
you can always use the 84 emulation
there is a lot of false info below (which i can disprove), so if you are considering
buying an nspire do not read the stuff below
Well this is a community website so I would suggest instead of ranting about it fix the page.
No kidding
Speaking of wanting more info, I would like to know how to completely delete an object in a document because deleting the page doesn't cut it.