I am about to embark on a quest to make a fully fledged, open-source IDE for TI-Basic programs using C#/C++ on Github. I realize that TI Coder and TokensIDE already exist, but they are buggy/not pretty/incomplete. If anyone would like to help, I would like to hear. This should be a great program, especially if I get some willing people to help.
Features I hope to include:
- Editor pane, in which you may edit the program in text form, will have autocomplete feature and color coding of commands, and will support adding comments using "//"
- the comments and such will be accomplished with the use of a preprocessor, in other words, all of the program files you make with the IDE will be saved in .txt format. You will be able to compile a file, converting the .txt to .8xp (a program file).
- A catalog of all commands that may be used on the left- the catalog will allow you to double click on a command to insert it in the editor pane, and a detailed explanation of how to use each command.
- A user friendly option to add commands to the catalog (if you are using a shell/library) will be available.
- The ability to edit image, string, list, and matrix files will be available.
- A sprite editor and insertion tool will be available.
- The ability to create and manage project directories will be available. Users may put multiple files into project directories, like images, strings, and programs.
- Users will be able to "build" an app from a project directory, by compiling all of the files in the directory, then packaging them into an app like basic builder 3.0 does.
- A TI-84 emulator/debugging tool.
- A tutorial/additional info.
- More.
I'm still working on the concept for all of the IDE features. Does anyone have any suggestions, or would anybody like to help?