Hello TIBD members!
You might have noticed that I have been inactive for some time, lurking in and out about the forums. Nonetheless, I have been working on some things which some of the staff have been helping me with. Let's begin!
- bDiscuss - TIBD Discussion Service
Some of you might remember last year when we had a chatbox on the side of the forum home. This had to be removed due to security and impersonation issues. About three month ago, I decided to utilize Firebase, a Google product designed for realtime apps and similar things. The result was bDiscuss, a 'buffed' version of the previous chatbox. This is more secure, flexible, and user friendly (I hope!), and I had a lot of fun making this. _iPhoenix_ on Cemetech (also known as iPhoenixOnTIBD helped me a lot with security issues and design of the service, so thanks to him! Be sure to check out his awesome projects over on Github as well.
You can also find the chat on the TIBD here.
This is another side project I've been working on. A recent post outlined that it would be useful if there was an offline command reference. With that, I started to convert all the pages to offline html, which is actually quite simple! Here's a sample screenshot.
I have to recreate the CSS file that I used to format the page, then I'll make another post later in this thread on how to create pages.
If you find any bug or improvements that can be made, feel free to send me a PM or make a post in this thread!