When you guys are making a game or program, which screen do you prefer to make it for — home screen or graph screen? Most of the games I have made have been for the home screen because you don't have to do any complex setup to use it (just a ClrHome to clear it, and you're done). In general, I think it's also easier to optimize games for the home screen.
I'm a HomeScreen programmer. The graph screen scares me *shivers at the thought*. Although I am perfectly capable of the graph screen, I used it many times, as an attempted game of Monopoly, and for use in bearings, vectors and other math-related programs. Even then, I have shivers!
Cheers ~ James Kanjo
I also prefer the home screen in 8x calculators - You can't do enough to the graphscreen to make it worth it on the 8x calcs.
I like the graphscreen on the 68k calcs, though, because they can handle pretty much anything to do with sprites.
I'm a devout graph screen user. I may have made a few programs on the home screen in my earlier days, but none that the general public has ever seen.
It really depends on the program for me. These days I usually use a combination thereof, I find both very useful.
I prefer the graph screen, because you get coordinates more precise. Also, the home screen doesn't have the pixel or point commands.
Home screen, tried complicated programs on the graph screen, didn't pan out, as for smaller programs it wasn't worth trading looks and precision for kilobytes.
z80: Usually home screen if I can, I try to avoid graph screen, though I can use either one.
68k: Graph screen, because the main benefits of the z80 home screen (evenly-spaced text coordinates) no longer exists.
I almost always use the graph screen. It has more flexibility when it comes to custom menus, and can use both sizes of text. The downsides are
that you have to reset all the multiple graph settings to the right ones, in order to be able to use it, and you can't scroll text very well. I use
the homescreen for very, very low quality games, and solvers. My latest program is already 3000 bytes, 1/5 done, and doesn't use the
homescreen at all.