Hi everyone! I'm Mister Mustachio. I've been programming calculators for some time, but am still relatively new to it. I've also been learning Java.
It's awesome to be a part of this community.
Just wondering, is there anything you guys call yourselves?
Welcome to TI-BD! Please feel free to take advantage of our Starter Kit and our general command documentation to help you progress as a programmer.
I can't think of any sort of demonym we use for ourselves, though perhaps somebody else has a name they use.
Happy coding!
The solution to a complex problem is often a simple answer.
The Cool Coders ;)
Welcom to the TIBD Mister Mustachio! Hope to see you around :)
I call myself a Guardian.
Welcome to the site!
Are you a YouTuber?
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
Hi guys, thanks for the welcome!
I'm not a YouTuber, though.
Thanks for the welcome! Hope to see you as well!
Hello! Welcome to the site! … Can't think of anything else to say. I just say TI-Basic wiki, so I guess we can be called that? Your choice though!
I thought you were a YouTuber. As Mister Mustachio is a YouTuber with over 16 million subscriptions. Anyways, welcome!
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.