I need to know how to write a picture inside the program instead of a pic variable. the pics are like 15x15 each. I read the tutorial on advanced graphics and discovered hard-coded pixels are waaaaaaaaay too many! And then I read the thing about matrices, and i don get the part that says: If Ans (A,B. Plz Help!!!!!!!!!!! (Btw, this site soooo totally rox man!!!!!)
Ok. Also, how do you speciffically place a matrix on the graph screen? Lik, for a 15x15 matrix, how do you set the corrdinates of where it's located? I mite use that instead…Oh, and I'm including htis site in my credits now =)
But what I'm trying to say is: is there a specific command that you use to display a matrix on a graph screen? So like, do you just state the matrix or do you need to say a command such as disp or text or w/e?
wait nvm lol =p. I looked at the map thing lolz. I never really saw that there sorry…but can you tell me about how fast that would run for 15x15? Like, would it take a while to produce the pic?
Those kind of sprites don't display very fast, but you can speed them up using subprograms and compression.
Hey, does anybody know exactly how long it would take to show two 15x15 matrices as pixels on the graph screen? I mean, would you see the pixels forming the figures? Also, how much memory would each 15x15 matrix take up?
Both of your questions are subjective, meaning it depends on your individual circumstance and setup, but on my calculator (a TI-83+SE):
- It takes a couple seconds to display two 15x15 matrices on the graph screen, and you do see the pixels forming the figures.
- A 15x15 matrix takes up a little over 2,000 bytes (2,036 to be precise).
Darn!!!!! How long do you think it would take to show like 200 pixels then w/ the pixelon( command?
I guess I should ask, what you are planning on doing? Are you putting together a game?
I'm sorry I didn't mention…that might make it easier….my bad! Anyway, I'm making a turn based fighting game with 4 pics.
pic 1: you normally
pic2: you attacking
pic3: enemy normally
pic4: enemy atacking
Every enemy looks the same (I'm a lazy programmer lol) and every attack loks the same. The 15x15 matrices are just an estimate of how big they will be, cuz there's a lot of stuff on the screen, such as Hp bars, your name, damage, enemies name, and then the pics. I previously made the pics as pic vars…but I don't think I should use that. Can you tell me what I should do? Individual pixels, Matrix, pic vars, or perhaps another way (Text sprites seem out of the situtation, with a 15x15 pic). This is like the last step, since I have everything but a way to display the pictures, well, assuming I don't use pic vars. Do you think I should use pic vars? Oh, and BTW, thanx for all the help, man =).
Also, do you think I could find (most likely an ASM) program that can convert a graph screen to a matrix…or some other picture format?
You could try putting together the picture with Line( commands and such.
Edit: and considering the graph screen wouldn't even fit in memory as a matrix (it would be in excess of 70 000 bytes), I think you're out of luck for that last bit.
how quickly do you think a bunch of lines would come up? i mean, It would most likely be a lot of lines per picture, not to mention 4, lol. And also, you think pixelOn( would take too long to show up? By too long I mean…well…like you can see the forms appearing.
What do you think about this:
I make a picture in the beggining…yet make it like an intro scene, so it looks like it's all special. It'll slowly appear, and then some more stuff will happen to amke it look all part of the plan. But really, when the first pic is made, it will be stored as pic1,l and the second one will be pic2, etc. Then i can just rclpic later on. Does that sound like it'll work, or no?
Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me.
Do you think maybe I could display the pics as if it were a loading page, so like it says: "Loading: Please wait one moment…" while the pics are forming? Then, right when the pic is finished, the loading sign will quickly be covored and it will be saved as pic watever, and then the loading screen reappears. Then i repeat for other pics. Do you think that will work well?
I really can't say from the description - try it out, and see what it looks like.
This is on an 84SE, right?
If so, then you could have it have this as the bottom row, then use a For( loop with Horizontal X commands to cover it up and save the picture (If you wanted the bottom to be black). Otherwise, the calculator always will displayed the last-updated buffer (from what I understand) unless otherwise told to by an Assembly program. Also, there's probably an assembly program that would allow you to build a picture from a Matrix variable "instantly," or at least quicker than the corresponding TI-Basic For( loops and Pxl-On commands.
Does that help?