Basically, we want to develop a set of programs (which we will convert into an app) that has an editable library of variables (i.e., velocity) and formulas and allow users to edit the values of variables and use them to solve the formulas with a user friendly interface. Now, the tricky part: program the calculator to use induction to draw upon the existing library of formulas to create and resolve new formulas (see part three of the goals below).
If you are interested in helping, I created a website for the development of the program, please respond to this post to get involved. Thanks! I could certainly use help.
The following are the goals for the program:
Libraries and Tools
-Ability to add formulas to a formula library
-Ability to add variables to a variable library
-Ability to search for formulas by up to two variables included in the formulas
-Ability to search for variables by name
-Ability to edit values/formulas for variables and formulas in libraries
Interactive formula solver
-User-friendly interface allowing user to type in variable values, see formula, and solve for a variable from the same screen
-Should be accessed by selecting formula from formula search tool
-If user does not know value for a variable they need a value for to solve a formula, allow user to search for formulas to solve for that variable, solve for the needed variable using the formula solver,
then return to the formula solver interface for the first formula being used with the found value for the needed variable set
Ability to solve for a given unknown variable using variable and formula libraries
-input known variables and values, unknown variable, solve it by drawing upon formulas in formula library.