This program is somewhat like BlakPilar's VisualTI, but uses lists instead of programs to create forms and therefore can be written in pure TI-Basic. A program to draw the form and another to create one will be provided.
The list is in this format:
1-number of strings
2-number of components
Each string has up to 8 characters: 0 stands for none, and other values correspond to its position in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ(theta)0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+-*/. (pi):(,)".
Each component gets 7 entries in the list:
Entry #1: Type.
Entry #2: Row#.
Entry #3: Col#.
Entry #4: Height, for buttons, and later, input and number input.
Entry #5: Width, for the same components.
Entry #6: For label, button, icon, and input, the string. For checkbox, whether it is checked or not. For number input, the value. (The text input modifies the string.)
Entry #7: Text size, for label, button, input, and number input. 0=small, anything else=large.
Component type IDs:
1 is label.
2 is button. Text is centered on a rectangle.
3 is icon. The icon is 6*6 and is defined by an 8-character string with base-32 digits.
Coming soon:
4 is input box, which asks for a string when clicked on. It modifies a string.
5 is check box. It toggles when clicked.
6 is input number box. Same as input, but asks for a number. Does not modify strings.
VISUALED is the program to draw the form defined by Ans and returns the component number which is clicked. The first component on the list is 0, while the last is ∟VIS(1)-1.
EDITOR is the form editor; you can only put labels and buttons right now.
One of the two disadvantages of VE83/84S is that it requires ingenuity to make buttons and icons do things. For example, to read a value from an input box, then you would read the appropriate entry on ∟VIS.
If you don't want the user to click on an icon, then you would do this:
Repeat Z≠(icon #)
(form list)
The other is the amount of time necessary for some forms to load, especially ones with icons.
I will post a download soon.
Sunrise 3 Progress: 30%
Size: around 20 KB, not including the save lists and in-game RAM.