iam using my CX CAS for my study.
For each formula, iam creating a seperate program.
First of all the program is asking me for the variable iam searching.
Afterwards it ask's me for the other parameters which will be needed to solve the equation.
Normally I realized this recall by the "REQUEST" tool.
At the end iam outputing the solve via "DISP".
Define equation()=:Prgm:Request "What are you searching? v; m0; mb; ce}",x:Local x::Request "v",v:Request "ce",ce:Request "m0",m0:Request "mb",mb::Disp solve(v=ce*ln(((m0)/(mb))),x)::DelVar v,ce,m0,mb:EndPrgm
The program is working fine.
But there will be displayed much more than my wanted solve.
Adittonally to my wanted outcome there will be displayed a line for every "REQUEST" i have been used in the program code.
Also annoying is the compulsive "finished" after a program end's.
My questions:
1: Is there any way not to display the extra lines, which will be created cause of the "REQUEST" tool?
2: Is it possible to delete the compulsive "finsihed" after a program end's?
It's important for me to reduce the output to a minimum.
Clear arrangement. And on the other hand is each line which will be saved in the temporary cache an advantage for me.
Thanks for support.
Best regards