Well, seeing as you got rid of the word "graphical", I will submit a new program:
:Repeat S>1 and not(fPart(S
:Input "NO. OF SIDES:",S
:Repeat N>1 and not(fPart(N
:Input "NO. OF THROWS:",N
:DelVar L₁For(T,1,N
There was a couple of things I learnt from burr's code. 1) Storing a value to a non-existent list value #1, does not produce an error, and in fact creates the list with the stored value where it should be, and 2) You don't need "Pause" to be able to scroll left and right through a list. Thankyou burr.
I kept the ClrHome at the start because I think it is an important factor in all programs to start with a clean screen, and so eliminating any confusion that may be produced from the remains of a 'dirty' screen. I kept the validation because I think it is important to account for Human Error in all programs.
Cheers ~ James Kanjo