Just recently a site called TI Programmers Online was made by LAX18. This website is devoted to the TI series of calculators and developing calculator programs and apps for them in TI basic and assembly. If you are already familiar with the community around TI Development, then jump right in!
Please tell me you're getting paid to advertise a site as sad as that one.
I think this could have been worded way better. Here's my input.
There's nothing wrong with creating a website, but you have to have in mind whether the website's content is just a duplicate of another existing website. Mainly, you might want to find something to make the site unique. I had the same experience as well, it took me 2 or more times of me thinking "what can I make that's not out there already" for me to really be motivated in continuing the site. While it doesn't hurt to create the website, keep in mind that more users will come if you add a unique aspect to it. There's always an idea out there that nobody has used, so really take some time to find what that could be.
Nothing against you or the website (because as I said, I encountered this a couple of times, and even put my site on hiatus, until I could find that special 'key' to making the site special).
Myles_Zadok: No I'm not getting paid(I wish) I'm just being a good person… I guess? I'm trying to be helpful for this community and grow new individuals like LAX18. P.S If I got paid, I would like to get paid in Bitcoin lol
Trenly: This site is a start, maybe down the line it might get better. Plus I didn't make it, but I believe that as a community we should be more respectful and give others some respect. After all we didn't start advanced in making sites when we first came here. Moreover, just think how you would all feel if someone said inappropriate things about your site? If that happened then you would be in LAX18's shoes. So a man with your rank must encourage new members to advance not degrade them. (Just my opinion)
Battlesquid: I truly agree with you squid, I think this could have been worded way better. After all the masters must be patient with the young. We need to treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given. So I strongly agree with your point.
Just because I said it was sad does not mean that I intended disrespect. Also, saying that a site is sad is not saying inappropriate things about the site. If I had slandered it and spread false facts, that would be considered inappropriate. Also, as a matter of fact, I have been in that position before so I know exactly what it is like. I would rather have blunt and honest feedback saying "Theres already sites like this, and this one is sad in comparison" rather than people blowing smoke by saying that its "not that bad, but could use improvement". As for "encouraging new members to advance", I see no new members anywhere. On this thread, I see only people who have been part of TIBD for a while, and a mention of a Wikidot user who has a decent amount of karma.
I understand your point, but I believe otherwise. By saying kind words like; "Nice site, but I believe that there are sites just like it so can you make a new one with a fresh idea?" Just like that he would understand your point with a kind twist to it, instead of saying that it's "sad". You see my point? And the usage of "blunt and honest feedback" is not a sign of a leader, now that is truly "sad". So let's just better word our posts. Moreover, when I said "encouraging new members to advance" I meant new and first time site creators, I thought I made that clear? I guess not lol
Have a great day!
As you can see, i'm the administrator of the website mentioned above.
I happen to read all of the negativity above and would like to clarify a couple of things.
The website was originally designed to reflect the interests of me, and i wanted something that I could customise. It
started out as an idea only for my programs but i decided that i would make it publicly editable.
I get that it is not original, but it's still under construction and many of the details and parts of the website are not available yet.
I have thought about shutting it down several times but I decided that I would not.
Trenly: I appreciate the criticism. Your correct, the site is SAD but its still being developed. I would appreciate some help with the website so if you have any suggestions, PM me the details or write it below.
And just for clarification, AbduBasheer is NOT under my payroll and I really appreciate the help that he has given, him and Bio_Hazard1282 does not match any existing user name for their help!
Is there anything preventing you from contributing to this site rather than starting a new site? It seems TI|BD reflects a lot of your interests.
If you want something you can customize, have you considered creating a portfolio site where you can showcase the awesome things you've made?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
I personally think that he just wants the freedom to mess around with the coding and looks of a site, see what looks good and what works, what doesn't work, etc. Don't blame him, making websites is very infuriating can be a lot of fun!
That was part of why I made it. I also was going for a "portfolio" type site. Eventually it morphed into something quite similar to this website as others have mentioned.
I have to agree with LAX18. That is considered very rude of you guys. If I were an admin of this site, I would ban you. And on top of that, your negativity breaks some rules.
"Be kind to new contributors."
I am not being rude either, but I am clarifying that it is LAX18's site, and you should respect him more. You should hope that this gets over with.
If any more negativity occurs, I will be forced to report all the negativity from those who are involved in this incident.
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
Although very inconsiderate, there is nothing wrong with posting your true feelings about something, and I just checked the rules. There is nothing on this. Yes, Trenly don't know how to do the one thing… can be very blunt, but it doesn't mean to report him! I don't get where you're coming from, with all of this talk about banning people. You honestly just sound salty.
Now then, my opinion on this site!
yes, it could definitely use some work. The orange on black clash with each other quite a bit and the top bar with the membership, related sites, etc. moves up and down when you hover over it. What I do like is that the site is easy on the eyes, unlike this site, and the overall experience feels more polished off, with the more materialistic look to it. It's a good website, just needs some work!
@Bio_Hazard1282 does not match any existing user name:
If you are going to cite rules from the code of conduct, you should also cite the rule
Don't advertise your programs or websites, unless they are TI-Basic related and have some unique value to them. This wiki is not a catch-all for your programs and websites; there are other websites available for that purpose, so use them instead.
I checked out the TI Programmers Online site and it is just a rehashing of TI|BD without any additional features or functionality.
FYI: You guys are hotlinking all your calculator images, which is frowned upon because it uses the original website owner's bandwidth.
I see, but still, if LAX18 wants to create his own TI-Basic Programmers Website, we should let hem. If TI-Calc, Cemetech, etc. and such sites with TI-Basic Programming exists, then it would not hurt if LAX18 created his own.
Ideas don't have to be unique. He was anyways inspired from this site.
Maybe LAX18 ran out of "letters" and could not think of anything else. Go figure. :P
LAX18, you are doing a fantastic job with your site!
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.