So, basically, I've created a nifty little operating system in BASIC called Panda. Right now, it has basic capabilities to edit/save text files, read calculator "mail", track finances, keep a todo list, basic calculator functions, password protected, shutdown, and reinstall itself.
however, to really take it to the next level, i want to implement a thing called "bamboo", which may sound corny, but Panda will "feed" other programs from it, kind of like mirage os… for example, if your calculator has "mario" on it, you could run prgmMARIO from the Panda games menu…
this is all simple enough, just add a "return" command - however, is there a way to do this so that i could reference ANY program without messing with the code?
so far i have tried the following, to no avail
:Input "Game?", Str1
:"prgm" + str1 -> str1
:disp str1
please please please help me…
oh, and if anyone has any other suggestions on possible Panda capabilities, please let me know…