Hey. It looks like I'm "supposed" to introduce myself, so I will!
I am 16, live in CA, USA, and my name is Michael. Most people call me Mevans (M + my last name). anyway, I started programming about 1.5 years ago. I introduced myself to TI-BASIC, and learned from various tutorials for the first month or so. after that, I've been making my own programs, and have studied a few other people's examples as well. I would consider myself pretty good at TI-BASIC.
I have always wanted to learn assembly (as of whenever I got really good at TI-BASIC programming) because of the speed, but I never got around to it.
Around Fall of last year, I got the idea to want to learn to make applications for the iPod, phone, pad, and the such, so I researched what languages programs of the sort were programmed in, and I learned of C. I didn't have enough free time to start learning it, though.
This summer ('11) I just started to learn C. I finished my tutorial, and just, as of this past week, have started experimenting with programs of my own. I intend to learn Objective-C, and start making real apps within this next year ('11-'12).
That's pretty much it. feel free to message me, or whatever this wiki thing does, or email me at moc.liamg|gnimmargorpsnavem#moc.liamg|gnimmargorpsnavem.
Oh yeah. and by "really good", I mean by my own standards. I don't really know how I compare with other people, since don't have many people to compare myself to. I was the only TI-BASIC programmer in my school. And by TI-BASIC, I mean the language for the 83+,84+, & 84+se's.
Welcome! Is Objective-C your first programming language? (I'd ask more, but I need to go now :\)
Btw, you can email me at moc.liamg|ralipkalb#moc.liamg|ralipkalb
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
Ok. First programming language of all time would be TI-BASIC for the TI-83+, then I got a TI-84+ SE.
Next would be C (very recent), and I have barely even started Objective-C. I got the tutorial by Apple, and have just read the first couple sections. idk where I'm at, exactly, but I'm not very far. I got "distracted" by messing around with a few C programs, and need to get back to Objective-C, but I literally have nothing else to do during a large part of the day, except be on my computer, so I'll finish up that calculator 8xp thing that you helped me with (thanks SO MUCH again!!!).
I don't know why, but I GREATLY enjoy programming in TI-BASIC. It's my favorite programming language of all time. I think it's because it's my first, and I'm very familiar with it.
And ok. thanks. I'll remember that… or just look it up here. [email].
Ahh, yeah, my first language was TI-BASIC, too. My first language when moving to the computer was Visual Basic .NET. I found those a little too easy lol, so I moved on to C# which I am in love with because it's simple, yet complex.
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
I don't know any visual stuff on the computer yet, so I cant create any GUI's. Is Visual basic fairly easy enough to learn, and can I use it with C?
Visual Basic is very easy to learn. A lot of the ideas are very similar to TI-BASIC. The GUIs with it are very easy, too. Visual Studio (the express (free) versions as well) comes with a form designer and it handles almost everything for you. Here's an example video. However, you need a windows machine to program in Visual Basic (I think), but there's a program called Mono for Linux and Mac that is like Visual Studio. I haven't used it, but I think it's mainly for C#. You might be able to use VB in it, too. I'm not completely sure if you can use C in VB, but if you don't mind making the switch to C# in VS or Mono the transition shouldn't be too painful ;)
EDIT: If you do have a Windows machine, you can get Visual Basic Express for free here.
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
Cool! thanks! It seems simple enough, but I would like to learn the language if I'm gonna use it. I bet I could find a good tutorial out there.
I have windows. I do believe there are some drawing routines for C (or Objective-C, I can't remember), but I'll learn those later.
How similar are C and C# (sharp, I believe?)?
Yeah, I just gave you that video to show you an example of the form designer and how the coding looks. There are plenty of VB.NET tutorials, especially on YouTube, so you should have no problem with that :)
C and C# have almost the same syntax. C#, at least .NET, was implemented by Microsoft so it has features like other Visual languages. It's object-oriented, meaning you access objects directly through name instead of drawing them, and it's event-drive, meaning you control what happens when certain events occur such as a button being clicked. C# and C++ and pretty much extensions of C, and C# itself is kind of like a fusion of Java and VB. (The last part is just my opinion, so don't quote me lol)
An example of the syntax difference is, when making a Console Application (ones that use the command prompt), "printf("Hello World");" would be "Console.WriteLine("Hello World");". Also, "int main(void)" is typically "void main(string[] args)" in Console Applications, where "args" is an array of the application arguments (the same as how when you double click an MP3 file iTunes, Zune, or whatever knows to open it).
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
ahhh. I see. Objective-C is an extension of C that adds object-oriented programming to C, and I read a tutorial just explaining objective programming, so I know what that is. I am familiar with most of the functions in C, but I'm not sure if there's more out there than just what was included in my tutorial. Anyway, Thank's for all your help! I'm definitely glad I came here and asked a question! I just found this site this week, and I think it's AMAZING.
EDIT: BTW, just fyi, I use the DEV C++ whatever-it-is (compiler, I think) to compile my C programs applications. I've heard different terms for it, but I didn't remember them.
Yeah, this site is very good for learning and understanding TI-BASIC more. I use Visual Studio because I'm lucky enough that my cousin works for DirectX and he got me a key for the professional for my birthday (there are higher versions). VS helps with programming and compiling VB, C#, C++, F# (aka Silverlight, I believe) and developing for the web, including ASP.NET. There are also many plugins including IronPython and IronRuby which are the same as Python and Ruby but help with compiling, integrating, and developing.
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
Umm… No, not really lol. Microsoft is trying to make it more widely used, though. It's really just a scripted, basic, non-XAML version of WPF to me.
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
maybe try SDL? SDL is a great graphics library for c++ thats meant for creating games or any other programs that need graphics. on the front page, it says there are bindings for a bunch of languages, including objective c.
and might i suggest using Code::Blocks rather than bloodshed dev c++? dev c++ is no longer under development, while codeblocks is
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Is Code::Blocks REALLY close to bloodshed dev C++? Basically, is it as easy to use?
yep. the only real difference is that compile is f9 instead of f5 (is it f5? its been too long…). the rest of the differences are more options and stuff like that
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Wow. sounds good! I'll give it a try. Oh yeah. and it is f9 in DEV C++. Btw, I really enjoyed that encryption article thing(wherever it was; it was about the DES), even though I didn't understand most of it. I think I'll go back sometime and look it over again.
WOW! Code::Blocks is AMAZING!!! thanks so much!