Well, I've just arrived, and I can program a bit in TI-Basic and Silver Basic (now obsolete). Anyways, my current programs for TI-83+ are as follows: Asteroid (not to be confused with the rotating ship one. In this, you just dodge the asteroids. It runs at a decent speed), and MTGLife, a life tracker/D20 roller for Magic: The Gathering. I'm currently working on Brain Age 83 +. So, hi everyone!
Welcome to TI-Basic Developer! It sounds like you have some good programming experience. You'll have to show us your dodge the asteroids program :) If you need any help with anything, or have any questions, feel free to ask. We enjoy helping people :D
Sure, it needs to be optimized a little (read: a lot), but other than that it's pretty nice. It was the program to have before I got my graphlink and ASM games. I still enjoy it though, something about having made it. Just one question - how do I upload the file?
There is a toolbar at the bottom of each page, which has several options — edit, rate, tags, history, files, etc. Click on the file option, and the Files content will open up. You'll then want to click on upload new file, which opens up a dialog box. Just select your program and click on submit.
I see you've read and understood the page entitled "Creating a proper avatar." Well done!
No, I figured that out on my own. I'm not bad with technology.
Also, I uploaded the asteroid.zip file. How do I set it up to be downloaded?
Post a link to it like this: http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/local--files/subprograms/Asteroid.zip :D
That seems to work. Anyways, the file is here:
I know it's a little late, but welcome to TI Basic Developer!