I'm an 8th grader just joined. I learned the basics at a different website, but this website has more content and is much easier to look through. I'm a newbie to BASIC programing but I know C#, a small amount of java, some XML, and some HTML. Now that I can code a little, all of my friends want my programs. Anyways, I'm hoping to learn a lot more here. Thanks!
Thanks. Here's the website I learned from: http://www.arasian.com/vortex/83pbas/index.htm . I don't really know much about it. I just started googling until i found it. I found this site later.
I've been to that site myself, although I didn't think the site covered the basics very well. Do you think we should put together a tutorial like that here at this site?
Yeah, I like that progressive tutorial idea as well. The questions I have are how we should go about creating it, and what content we should use? In addition, what do you guys consider as the basics?
I know how you could make one like that! You already have a command index, so make links at the bottom of each level of progression that directs them to a new page. You'll barely need to add anymore new pages.
I think the basics would really just be command locations. I know, if I was just starting out, I would want to know where and what all the commands are.
I know that content is on Ti Basic Dev, but I think it would have a nice home in a tutorial as well.
I'm not talking about EVERY command, just the bare bones "disp"s and "input"s. The rest of the site does freakin' great covering the rest.
It sounds like you think we should just cover the same commands that are in the "The Basics" section of the Arasian tutorial — Input, If-Then, While, and getKey. You think this would be sufficient? Is there anything else besides commands that would be important to know when a person is starting out learning TI-Basic?
Yeah… well, I guess I can't really be giving any suggestions, seeing as how I'm kind of a newb too. Anyway, I think that the basics should be compressed or bud off into a tutorial. I'm not saying that The Basics section is not newbie-friendly, but maybe if it gave a quick run-down of the basic commands and command locations, it'd be great. I can't really think of anything else that would need to be in there, honestly. The site gets everything else across.
The menu( command and Goto/Lbl are import to, and of course the operators(relational and logical)
You could make a small tutorial with these commands, I started with a program for the ABCformula I got from a friend, with some changes, it only uses the basic commands and isn't hard to understand. If the admins agree, I can write a tutorial for it(which also improves my own English skills)
This is a wiki, which, by design, means anybody can edit or add anything without having to ask for permission. If you see something that could be added or something that should be changed, then just go ahead and add/change it. Being an admin just means we take care of the internal workings of the site, and make sure everything is working correctly; everything else is the same.