If you want an encryption algorithm, I have a really secure one. The number of combinations of alphabets per letter is 64^64 This number overflows the calculator, so don't try it.
I do not currently have the decryption algorithm written, so you'd have to do that, or wait for me to do it.
Also, the program is really slow, and I haven't optimized it, but it IS really secure.
‾ refers to the negative sign, while - is the subtraction symbol
"0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZθ.,?!:()[]{} ‾-/*+^=≠>≥<≤^º'∏ " -> Str1 //there's a space after ∏
While 1
Input "",Str2
length(Str2 -> A
seq(inString(Str1,sub(Str2,B,1,),B,1,A,1 -> L1
" "-> Str3
randIntNoRep(1,64 -> L2
sub(Str1,L2(Ans),1)+Str3 -> Str3
Pause Str3
In order to get the calculators communication, they have exchange a key before hand. They would do this by seeding rand with the same arbitrary value.
Calculator A could be assigned the task of producing the seed with the command StartTimer.
This seed would be stored to rand on BOTH calculators.
Of course, transmitting the seed is the weakness in the armor. If a third party were to intercept the seed, then the whole thing would not work.
Fortunately, I dont think this is a problem in terms of calculator linking, because you'd know if someone else was linked because they would be standing a foot away from you.
Which kind of defeats the purpose, BUT, if I am interpreting the thread. Correctly, an encryption algorithm WAS requested.
By the way, google says
64^64 = 3.94020062 × 10^115
Ironically, this number is greater than a google.