Some months ago (I think July or August) I was trying out my assembly skills and I had an idea for my BASIC program. What I did was I made a parser that would execute some code in a BASIC program differently. The format was:
:<<BASIC Code>>
:<<BASIC ReCode>>
:<<BASIC Code>>
I only got a few commands in before I learned about Axe and so I put it aside. I just looked for it on my computer and it appears to be gone. However, I know what I did and how I made the program, so I am thinking I will start it back up. The only commands I had gotten to were:
Pause x
Pause getKey
Disp x,y,«ASCII String»
Pause x was a delay where "x" was a number from 0 to 65535
Pause getKey would pause until a key was pressed
Disp x,y,«ASCII String» would output a string of ASCII data at x,y
Line(a,b,x,y,t was actually a box drawing routine where t was the style of box
I have a 5 page story to write before 3:00, so I won't be working on this in the immediate future, but when I do, I would gladly incorporate some ideas if I can…
Also, is there a way to upload a file on here, for this topic?
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0