I need help optimizing my amateur TI-83+ Basic Pokemon game, but due to the fact that I don't have a cable for computer uplink anymore I will need to type and post the coding for it manually so there may be typos from where I typed it on here. All text in bold is meant to say what character should go there because either I am too lazy to find the computer version or there isn't one. Also, I am hoping to keep it all on one program with no subprograms.
At the moment this program takes up 9,540 bytes, but I am hoping to get it reduced to 7,500 bytes while still retaining all of its features.
For reference:
L= lvl of active pkmn | M= exp pkmn 2 | V= hp pkmn 3 | R= map identify number |
Q= hp of active pkmn | P= hp pkmn 2 | J= money | X= horizontal position |
Z= exp of active pkmon | E= lvl pkmn 3 | I= pkballs | Y= vertical position |
H= Lvl pkmn 2 | K= exp pkmn 3 | T= potions | U= whether or not in battle |
:" "→Str1
:Text(-1,8,20,"P KeM n"
:Text(-1,11,26,"º" //these were used to make there appear to be lowercase o's in PoKeMon
:Text(16,25,"GRAY V1.0"
:" "+Str1→Str1
:Text(28,23,"PRESS ENTER"
:Lbl LS
:Archive LLOC
:Archive LITEMS
:Archive LPOKE1
:Archive LPOKE2
:Archive LPOKE3
:Output(8,1," "
:Goto LM
:Lbl AZ
:Archive LLOC
:Archive LITEMS
:Archive LPOKE1
:Archive LPOKE2
:Archive LPOKE3
:" "→Str3
:Lbl θθ
:" "→Str0
:Lbl Q
:Archive LITEMS
:Archive LLOC
:Archive LPOKE1
:Archive LPOKE2
:Archive LPOKE3
:prgmCREDITS //Basically a program that just deletes all variables and resets calculator settings I use it to clean up after all my games
:Lbl SQ
:If U≠0
:Goto PS
:Goto P1
:Lbl BS
:If U≠0
:Goto PS
:Goto P1
:Lbl CM
:If U≠0
:Goto PS
:Lbl P1
:Lbl LM
:Output(8,1,"LOADING MAP"
:If R=0
:If R=1
:If R=2
:If R=3
:If R=4
:If R=5
:If R≥6 and R≤9
:If R=10
:If R=0
:If R=2
:If R=10
:If R≥6 and R≤10
:If R≠10
:If R=10
:If R≤2 and R≠0
:If R=2 or R=4
:If R=3 or R=0 or R=5
:Output(W,A,sub(" θπ[]-(mini plus sign thingy)*O:=",1+LMAP(A+16(W-1)),1
:Output(W+4,A,sub(" θ=][",1+LMB(A+16(W-1)),1
:Output (Y,X,"π"
:Lbl P
:While 1
:If randInt(1,8)=8 and R=2 and Y≤4
:Goto WP
:While G=0
:Output(Y,X," "
:If R=2 and Y≤4
:If G=24 and (X≠2 or Y=5 and (R=2 or R=4)) and not(R≥6 and R≤9)
:If G=25 and (Y≠2 or (R=1 or R≥4) and X=8 or R=1 and X=13 or X=9 and R=10)
:If G=26 and (X≠15 or Y=5 and R≤2) and not(R≥6 and R≤9)
:If G=34 amd (Y≠7 or (R=3 or R=5 or R=0) and X=8)
:If Y=1 and R≥6 and R≤9 or X=15 and Y=2R and R≤2
:If R≥6 and R≤9
:Goto F1
:If R=2 and X=8 and Y≥3 or (R=5 or R=0) and Y≤3 and X≤5 and X≠3 or R=3 and X≠8 and Y=3 or R=10 and (X=7 or X=R or X=8 and Y=4) or R=0 and X≥9 and X≤14 and (Y=4 or Y=6 or Y=2)
:If G=25
:If G=24
:If G=26
:If G=34
:If G=105
:Goto M
:Lbl MB
:If R=0 and Y=4 and X=3
:Goto TI
:If Y=3 and (R=3 or X=3 and R=5)
:Goto PC
:If Y=1
:If R=1 and X=8
:If R=10
:If R=1
:If R=1
:If R>3
:Goto LM
:If X=16
:Goto LM
:If X=1
:Goto LM
:If Y=8
:If Q≤0
:Output(8,8," "
:Goto P
:If R=3
:If R=5
:If R=0
:If R=0
:Goto LM
:Lbl TI
:Disp "BUY:"
:While not(G=105 and A=4)
:While G=0
:Output(A,1," "
:If G=25 and A>2
:If G=34 and A<4
:If G=105 and A=2 and J≥100 and I<99
:If G=105 and A=3 and J≥200 and T<99
:Goto LM
:Lbl M
:Lbl VW
:Lbl IV
:Output(2,2,"POKEBALLS( )"
:Output(3,2,"POTIONS( )"
:Lbl II
:While G≠105
:While G=0
:Output(B+1,1," "
:If G=25 and B>1
:If G=34 and B<3
:If B=1
:If I>0
:Goto CT
:If B=2
:If T>0
:Goto UI
:If B≠3
:Goto II
:If U=1
:Goto VW
:If U≤5 and U≠4
:Goto B
:Lbl UI
:Menu("USE ON:",Str3,I1,Str0,I2,Str9,I3,"BACK",IV)
:Lbl I1
:If Q≥10+3L
:Goto I4
:Lbl I2
:If P≤0 or Str0=" "
:Goto UI
:If P≥10+3H
:Goto I4
:Lbl I3
:If V≤0 or Str9=" "
:Goto UI
:If V≥10+3E
:Lbl I4
:If U≠1 and U≠4
:Goto YZ
:Goto IV
:Lbl WM
:If U=1
:If U=1
:If L≥7
:If U=1
:If U=1
:Lbl PS
:Lbl M9
:If Q≤0 and R≠3
:Goto PS
:If U=1
:Goto VW
:If U≠4 and U≤5
:goto WD
:Lbl 1
:If Str0=" "
:Goto PS
:Lbl 1B
:If U>1
:Goto 1
:" "→Str0
:Goto PS
:Lbl 1A
:If P≤0
:Goto 1
:Goto NM
:Lbl 2
:If Str9=" "
:Goto PS
:Lbl 2B
:If U>1
:Goto 2
:" "→Str9
:Goto PS
:Lbl 2A
:If V≤0
:Goto 2
:Lbl NM
:Goto SQ
:Goto CM
:Goto BS
:If L≥16 and L≤35 and Str3≠"BUTTERFREE" or Str3="METAPOD" or Str3="RAICHU" or Str3="RATICATE"
:Goto EP
:If L≥36 or Str3="BUTTERFREE"
:Goto E9
:If Str3="PIDGEY"
:If Str3="GEODUDE"
:If Str3="RATTATA"
:If Str3="PIKACHU"
:Goto PS
:Lbl FE
:If R=6
:"ICE BEAM"→Str7
:If U=5
:If U=3
:If R=7
:If U=5
:If U=5
:If R=8
:If U=5
:If U=5
:If R=9
:If U=5
:If U=5
:If R=10
:If U=5
:If U=5
:Goto B
:Lbl F1
:If R≥6
:Goto FE
:Lbl FT
:If W=2
:If L>29
:If L>29
:If W=3
:If W=4
:Goto B
:Lbl WP
:If W<16
:If W≤8
:If W≤6
:If W≤4
:If W≤2
:Lbl B
:While 1
:Text(0,0,W," "
:Text(0,60,Str6," "
:Text(39,65,"ººº" //there is some other circle mark besides degree sign that fits here
:If P≤0 or Str0=" "
:Pxl-On(43,70 // these would fill in those circles to represent that pokemon not available
:If V≤0 or Str9=" "
:Text(45,0,Str3," "
:Text(45,65,Q,"/",10+3L," "
:Text(57,70," "
:Text(51,0," "
:Text(57,0," "
:Text(51,70," "
:If A=2 or A-4 or A=6
:If A=3 or A=4 or A=7
:If A≥5
:If L>7
:While G=0
:Lbl 63
:If G=25 and A≠1 and A≠5
:If G=34 and A≠4 and A≠7
:If G=24 and A>2 and A≠5 and A≠6
:If G=26 and (A≤2 or A=5)
:If L<7 and A=2
:If G=34
:If G=24
:If G≠105
:If A=3
:Goto 99
:If A=7
:Goto 99
:If A=6
:Goto IV
:If A=5
:Goto 26
:If A≠4
:Goto B3
:If U=3 or U=5
:Text(51,0,"CAN'T RUN"
:Goto 99
:Text(51,0,"YOU RUN AWAY"
:Goto LM
:Lbl B3
:If A=1
:Text(51,0,Str3," USED ",Str4
:If A=2
:Text(51,0,Str3," USED ",Str5
:If W≤0
:Text(0,0,W," "
:If W≤0
:Text(51,0,Str6," FAINTED"
:Goto W
:Goto B2
:Lbl YZ
:Text(45,65,Q,"/",10+3L," "
:Lbl B2
:If randInt(1,2)=2
:Text(51,0,Str6," USED TACKLE"
:Text(51,0,Str6," USED ",Str7
:If Q≤0
:Text(45,65,Q,"/",10+3L," "
:If Q>0
:Goto 99
:If Q≤0
:Goto 26
:Lbl WD
:Goto B2
:Lbl CT
:Text(51,0,"GO POKEBALL"
:If randInt(1,W)≠1 or Str0≠" " and Str9≠" " or U=3 or U=5
:If U=3 or U=5
:Text(51,0,"DON'T STEAL"
:Text(51,0,"AW IT GOT OUT"
:Text(24,45," "
:Goto B2
:If Str0=" "
:Goto 98
:Lbl 98
:Text(51,0,"YES CAUGHT IT"
:Goto LM
:Lbl 99
:Goto B
:Lbl W
:If U=5
:Text(51,0,"GAINED ",C," pºKe"
:Text(51,0,Str3," GAINED ",(5+C)²," EXP"
:If U=3
:If R≥6
:Goto FE
:Goto FT
:If R≥6 and R≤9
:If Z<L(L+10)²
:Goto LM
:Text(51,0,Str3," LEVELED UP"
:If L=16 and Str3≠"METAPOD" or L=10 and Str3="CATERPIE" or L=36 and Str3≠"RAICHU" and Str3≠"RATICATE" and Str3≠"BUTTERFREE" or Str3="METAPOD" and L=20
:Goto EV
:Lbl X9
:Lbl X8
:Goto LM
:Lbl PC
:If Str0≠" "
:If Str9≠" "
:Output(2,9," "
:If R=3
:If R=5
:Goto P
:Lbl EV
Alright almost got it fully up. Only one more section of coding to add