Hi, I'm a soon-to-be 10th grader who purchased his first ever graphing calculator in the September of 2009. I didn't think much of it until November, which is when I discovered it could PROGRAM!
Immediately excited, I spent several days trying to find out how to program my calculator, and after discovering that the language was called TI-Basic, almost immediately hit upon this site. Soon, I was making my first program- a simple rock-paper-scissors game which took me a week to complete. From this point on, my grades slowly started to decline as I took up programming during class instead paying attention (fortunately, I was able to recover completely just in time).
I've been lurking for a while, but finally decided to formally introduce myself. Relatively speaking, I'm not that good of a TI-Basic programmer - my most impressive program is a Minesweeper program on the homescreen (which is nothing compared to the programs showcased here). Which is why I'm here (to learn).