Well, I suppose most of the members here are positively sick of these "Hello world" threads, but…
Anyway, I'm a rather young pseudo-programmer around the age of 20 in college studying Chemical Engineering. Actually, programmer would be a bad description, since I'm kind of the antithesis of that image. I am infinitely more comfortable in a machine shop than in a server room. I was introduced to programming when I recently helped out a local FIRST robotics team. I started talking to the programmer they had and actually learned a lot from him about it. But I really got started when I was taking a math class (Multivariable Calc) and I got tired of doing the basic operations by hand. The calculator didn't have the features to solves them, so I started programming the operations through trial and error. That ended up being my first program, but it didn't work very well. After that, I became interested in the Navier-Stokes equations and decided that rather than solve them by hand or use the utility that I already had, I would be better served by learning to program them. After a lot of asking for help from various aeronautical Engineers, mathematicans, software engineers on developing the program, I actually managed to get a partially functional program. I never got the graphing feature to work though and I'm not about to awaken that beast again, though.
I doubt anyone cares, but hey. Being on this forum will probably significantly help my programming. I currently have a fascination with If:Then loops which I know could be improved.
(∂²Ψ)/(∂x²) = -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ/( ℏ²Ψ)