When you make a string with words in it and display it in puts quotes around it. Is there any way to remove the quotes?
Same way you would remove the leftmost and rightmost characters of any string: sub(.
not what he was talking about i don't think try
expr("disp "&string(x))
where x is your variable.
I'll have to write a custom user style for myself to accentuate the forum title, as apparently my fatal flaw is not knowing what subsection I am in. My apologies.
That takes care of that:
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); @-moz-document url-prefix("http://tibasicdev.wikidot.com/forum/") { [href*="/c-"]{color:red!important;font-size:3em} }
Now "Programming Help / TI-Nspire Programming" takes up a large portion of my screen (edit: and is red).
I tried this and I guess you can't add strings together like that
expr("2") prints 2
expr("x") prints either an error or the value of x, but not the letter
No, the expr( takes a string and gives a number. If you have this:
"Hello World!"->Str1
Disp Str1
It displays this:
Hello World!
There is no need to remove the quotation marks.
This is Nspire not 83.
I'm sorry about the amount of time it has taken me to respond.
Also I'm sorry for my previous code I have been moving from N-spire an 89 to an 84 and programing on all of them and if that weren't bad enough I'm also working in c++ and am trying to learn perl needless to say It's easy to get syntax confused. I used the 84/C++/perl notation for string concatenation not the 68K/N-spire form so the + to an & and everything works fine. (I wish they kept the + as string concatenation it's much easier to get at.
you are not using expr("x") you are using
expr("disp "&string(x)) where x is your string
in N-spire basic expr() simply throws the given string to the parser and you can have it execute any valid string (even multiple lines of code) it is very useful because you can make a switch statement from it but that's a topic for another thread.