Does anyone know what happened to the CSS that made code boxes a fixed height with a scrollbar? I noticed that it appears to have been removed.
When I posted the written code for the zixcoder's program, I noticed that the box didn't have a vertical scrollbar, but instead appeared as a giant code box. But, if you go to the recent posts page and scroll down to that same post, the code box has a fixed height and a verical scrollbar. I don't know what happened, but I definitely prefer a code box with a fixed height.
thats why I was questioning it. since I thought that it was fixed-height site-wide. not just on the recent posts page
Well, how would we change them back?
What are you guys talking about?
This is a code box:
When we put a really big program into a code box, the code box is also really big. It used to be that the code box would only extend to a maximum size, and then there would be a scroll bar if the max size didn't show all of the code. We're trying to figure out how we can change this back.
Basically the code to make it automatically adjust size needs to be added to the template for the entire site, not just the forum section I believe. Maybe jonbush or
Xeda Elnara can do this in the admin panel. I don't think I have access to it.
The code I think is:
div.code pre {
max-height: 250px;
Edit: Yeah, the css is only accessible through the admin panel I believe. I did check my code above using inspect element in google chrome and it does work perfectly.
I don't think it's the CSS…code boxes are built into Wikidot's website structure. There should be no way to change that. I think copy/paste has something to do with it however.
I copied and pasted zixcoder's program code from Cemetech's SourceCoder3, I don't know if Trenly used copy/paste for his optimization or not.
It is indeed copy paste. I repeatedly typed "test" into a codebox and previewed it until the scrollbar showed up. I guess copy/paste is the factor affecting the presence of the scrollbar.
Thats odd, since even if it is copy pasted it shows with a scrollbar in the recent posts.
Ooh, maybe this is a bug that we can tell the people at Wikidot about?
EDIT: 4 karma bars. GG.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! See, I told you that you'd a get karma increase before long.
EDIT: What is GG?
I highly doubt it is a bug with wikidot. It may have something to do with the difference between a "disussion" as on the bottom of an archive page, and a thread, which is a forum page.
Edit: I made a short video explaining how the css would need to be fixed for this, and I use a chrome extension to show that the css is what would fix it. Watch The Video Here
Myles: GG means Good Game :D
Trenly: I would have never guessed it! Good job finding that :)
Im a "Technology Communications Manager" where I work. I kind of have to know how to find that stuff.
Oh…that makes sense :D
Living the freshman life here in high school B)
Trenly: Wow your a Technology Communications Manager? I'm impressed.
Battlesquid: Ah, I miss being a freshman, it seems like it was yesterday(Oh wait it was) :D

Cool! I'm not the only freshman here! :D
Im still a freshman xD
Well… a freshman in college. I will be a sophomore in a little while after I get the refund im supposed to get from the school
So Trenly, how is it like being a freshman in college? I just became a sophomore yesterday!