Hey, so i stayed up last night creating a program called AVOIDO. (Or in other terms, "Avoid the O's") This program is available to any TI-Model, (Which this program only allows TI-Basic models) Where you have to survive as long as you can and avoid the O's!! I've already created the prgm, but can any one else come up with their own? I will be posting this program around lunch. I will be really busy at school today SAGE testing. I will be only available at lunch for roughly ½ an hour.
I will not be available at lunch today. I can however, post some of the prgmAVOIDO, not all of it, because I cannot post 3000+ bytes of code in 20 minutes. I would like to use my USB cable for my calc, but I can't download TI-Connect. ☹☹ It's a fun program, and yes, it is suppost to be kind of slow, otherwise the blinking would be too quick and you would not see any of the characters in the game.
TI-Connect is available for both Mac and Windows. If you use Linux, you also have the option of TiLP. These three should work.
I know they work. I just cant download either of them because at my school, I need the Administrator's password to download. So I can't download at all…, IF, I goto any of my grandparents during the summer, then maybe I can download TI-Connect. (Or any other) I have the USB and I/O cables though. I don't know what to do with these stupid restrictions!
Well, I guess you gotta type it all up or wait until summer. It's not that much though, considering that I typed this, no link cable used ;)
I've have heard on Youtube that there is a program that someone used to bypass any password restrictions… I am not a hacker!!!!
I will post soon!
Please do not post this on here, as it is breaking the Code of Conduct.
sorry. I did not know i was breaking the code of conduct… :'{
Myles, why does battlesquid think I am "Thel"?