Did someone do something to the home page? The News/Recent Posts/Recent Edits box is disproportionately larger than it was before.
Yeah, I talked to jonbush on the Cemetech SAX about how people were constantly cursing and nobody could identify who was who. As a result, he took it out, but I think it will be replaced soon :|
hes not talking about the chatbox, hes talking about the sidebar I belive. the forum-side being wider than normal
Looks like it was Timothy Foster. An Admin is still alive!
I pop in from time to time.
I did not change the forum side bar's width. Also the News/Recent Posts/Recent Edits boxes look the same size as they always have been.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
On my pc they appear wider, but that my just be my screen resolution since they look normal on my phone
It was removed due to spam and lack of security.
Can you guys visit my new thread please? I would if I could.(Of posting links)